Kiss Me - Samantha Chase

Kiss Me

By Samantha Chase

  • Release Date: 2023-07-18
  • Genre: Contemporary Romance
Score: 4.5
From 75 Ratings


Saying "I Do" to her boss seemed like a harmless solution to a potentially harmful problem.

But the only problem now is that she wants the marriage to be real.

A small own, marriage of convenience, workplace, standalone romance from NY Times Best Selling Author Samantha Chase

When Marissa Barrett finds herself in a dangerous situation with her family, she needs help. Fast. Normally the queen of problem solving, this is one instance where she just can't seem to find a solution on her own. All she wanted from her boss was help finding an attorney. But before she knows exactly how it's happened, they're standing in front of a justice of the peace.

Patrick Donovan would do anything to help Marissa. After all, she's been helping him run his business for years. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't wildly attracted to her, but there was no way he would ever act on it. Plus, with his meddling family looking to see him settle down, the last thing he needed was any kind of romantic relationship. But when Marissa turns to him for help, suddenly he sees a way to do it that benefits them both.

One year of marriage. That was the agreement.

But everything's negotiable, right?

*Each book in the Donovans series can be read as a standalone*


  • Kiss Me

    By Jen G F
    Kiss Me is book 5 in the Donovan’s of Laurel Bay series by Samantha Chase and the final Donovan goes down…this is Patrick and Marissa’s story. Patrick and Marissa have worked together for over five years as boss and assistant. When Marissa ends up in a dangerous situation, caused by her brother, Patrick steps up and offers, a marriage of convenience to protect her. They both have feelings for each other but have kept them under wraps but now the close proximity brings those feeling to the forefront… What happens next is a series of misunderstandings, family, meddling, sparks abound, her angry cat, but hopefully they find their HEA…only time will tell… I voluntarily read an advanced reader copy (ARC) of this book from Valentine PR. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
  • Series ender that can be read as a standalone with terrific characters and a sweet storyline

    By Lse587
    Kiss Me, the fifth book in Samantha Chase’s The Donovans series, is one you’ll want to download immediately. The book is a series ender, but one that can be read as a standalone. The main characters of KM, include members of the Donovan clan from previous books. Kiss Me features Patrick Donovan, who has made it big as the local realtor that handles all the big sales. One of the keys to his success has been Marissa Barrett, his office manager. As much as the Donovan’s are loud, overly involved, and vivacious, they all love and support each other. Unfortunately, Marissa can’t say the same. The troubles that her mother and brother have caused her over the years have been steadily increasing to the point where her mother ended up in the hospital with a grim outlook. Marissa reaches a breaking point when her brother is assumed to be the cause of vandalism and serious threats. Patrick swoops into action, proposes a yearlong real marriage with false beginnings to keep her brother at bay … and quickly realizes that he wants to keep things permanent. With all the Donovan stories, there is chemistry, sizzles, dramatic misunderstandings, sweet dialogue, hilarious text messages, and meddling but well-meaning relatives. I loved Kiss Me … classic Samantha Chase. Fun characters, sweet storyline, terrific main and supporting characters, all set in a place that will have you hoping it’s real. I received an advance review copy from the author and am freely leaving my review to help other readers find terrific stories to read!
  • My favorite Donovan!

    By Dangrdonna
    This series has been such a delight. Seeing each of the siblings finding their perfect match has been sigh worthy moments. This last one, I think was my favorite. Patrick is the second of five children and has struggled to find his place. His career has set him apart. BUT he wouldn't habe the success he has without the assistant that has been by his side. Marissa loves her job. She gets to help Patrick make their small town better. AND she gets go work with Patrick. Her personal life has become increasingly more difficult and her salvation has been work. I adored this book. Work place romance can be tricky but Samantha Chase does this one so well. Marissa is independent and knows her own mind even though her life has become overwhelming. Patrick understands the dynamic of where their relationship can go but wants to protect her. I love that these two are friends before anything else. I love that they explore what can be. I love the fact that they both have feelings but neither want to upset the balance. I love that the balance gets thrown to the wind.
  • Kiss Me

    By Keryth68
    What a wonderful continuation of the Donovan family. I loved this book from beginning to end and I’m adding it to my read again list. I’ve so enjoyed reading all about the Donovan siblings. It makes me sad that this the last of this immediate family but can’t wait to read about their cousins. You just can’t go wrong with a Samantha Chase story!!!
  • Farewell to Laurel Bay with a Marriage of Convenience

    By Patti_L.
    Samantha Chase has done it again! I absolutely loved Kiss Me, the fifth book in her The Donovans series and the final book in the Laurel Bay series! I can truly say that Kiss Me is an incredible love story, which filled me with a rollercoaster of emotions, and it was impossible to put it down. I loved every moment on every page. Samantha Chase continues to deliver the incredibly written love stories that I LOVE to read. I love a marriage of convenience love story, the Laurel Bay, Maine setting, and the amazing characters, they feel like family! Samantha Chase does not disappoint her readers with all the feels in Kiss Me and has once again delivered an amazing story filled with everything that I have come to love about and expect from her books. Who does not love hot sexy men, strong, passionate females, big loving families, and caring friends, who always support each other? I love how Samantha Chase always manages to create the "perfect" heroine, who is a strong, sassy woman on her own, to balance out the sexy, swoon worthy man. Samantha Chase continues to deliver all that and so much more. I am not sure how she does it, but Samantha Chase has once again given her readers another remarkable book. Kiss Me is filled with all the heartbreaking and heartwarming moments and plot twists that I have come to love and expect in a Samantha Chase love story, I especially loved the poignant and bittersweet moments that filled this page turner. Samantha Chase continues to prove that she is an incredible storyteller. I love that she writes her stories from the perspective of the main characters. I love getting inside their minds and knowing their thoughts and how they really feel. Kiss Me is a marriage of convenience love story between Patrick Donovan, who runs his own real estate company and Marissa Barrett, his assistant. Marissa is having personal issues with her family. Her mom recently signed over the ownership of their family home to Marissa, without telling her son Daren. Marissa’s mother then suffers a stroke and ends up in the hospital. While she is in the hospital, Daren ransacks the house and spreads gas around the perimeter. Patrick invites Marissa to move in with him along with her cat Mr. Meowgi. I love how Mr. Meowgi torments, Patrick. They then decide to marry quietly so that Patrick and Marissa will own her mother’s home and Patrick will have a date for his siblings’ weddings. Conversation between Marissa and Patrick flows so easily. I love the chemistry between them. I love that as Marissa and Patrick spend time together as husband and wife their relationship changes. I love that Marissa eventually ends up moving from the guest bedroom to spending the nights in Patrick’s bed. I love that Marissa discovers her next career opportunity. Which leads to an unexpected plot twist that puts Marissa and Patrick’s relationship in jeopardy, and once again changes things between them. I love the changes that Patrick is willing to make to do what is best for Marissa. I love that Patrick seeks out help from his brothers to resolve things with Marissa. I love the heart-to-heart conversations that Marissa has with her mom. I love how Kate keeps making plans for Marissa and Patrick to get married in the church. I was so happy that Patrick and Marissa finally admitted their true feelings for one another, and that Patrick proposed again with a ring that holds significance for Patrick. Another favorite part is the epilogue and the happily ever after, especially when Tessa includes Marissa in her wedding to Liam. I love all the changes that Patrick and Marissa make in their lives to have a future with one another. Kiss Me was an amazing love story; I am so glad that Patrick and Marissa got the happily ever after. I loved all the surprises that filled the pages of this love story. I love all the characters in this series. I enjoy all the interactions among the Donovan siblings, it feels like real family love and makes me laugh at their teasing and the descriptions of the Laurel Bay in Kiss Me. I love the family text stream; it is one of my favorite parts. Who does not love family and friends that always have each other’s backs? I loved every moment. I loved meeting the Donovan cousins at Ronan’s birthday party and Will and Adrianna’s wedding, and I cannot wait to read their love stories in the Donovans Sweetbriar Ridge series. Highly recommend this beautifully written love story.
  • Loved Patrick and Marissa

    By Nola.passionista504
    Kiss Me, is the 5th book in The Donovans Series but it can be read as a standalone. If you love a good small town, protective hero, workplace, marriage of convenience, family saga, meddling family romance then you have come to the right place. Patrick is the last single man standing of the Donovan clan. He’s a smart, broody but reserved workaholic who had been running from his meddling family and relationships. Marissa his assistant of 5 years, had her whole world flipped upside down due to multiple family family situations and is in danger. All alone and with no one to protector Patrick steps in to protect her. All of a sudden they are married and have to learn to navigate what life continues to throw at them. We see them go on this journey of self discovery, and watch them grow as a couple. The book is a slightly angsty, sassy, sexy quick read. I loved the continued banter with in the Donovan Clan. And, I loved seeing the updates on the siblings and their relationships. And Mr. Meowgi was the sassiest thing ever. I loved it. Great read.
  • Great cover, good book

    By Cheryl33610
    've read 3 of the previous books in this series and liked them, just like I did Kiss Me. I think Patrick might be my favorite Donovan, simply because he's mostly drama free. And this book was mostly Kate Donovan free! I've chronicled in past reviews that Mama Donovan was a bit much for me to handle, but she was pretty benign here. There's a lot of drama, instead, surrounding Marissa, Patrick's assistant and brand new "wife". I only put it in quotes since this is a marriage of convenience/necessity plot. And I do see some chemistry between the leads, but it's often muffled by miscommunication. I love when the pair teases each other, I just wish there was more of that. Kiss Me was a solid 3.5 star read for me and a great way to both usher out this series and begin a new one with the Donovan cousins. I look forward to getting to know them better.
  • Love moves in mysterious ways!!

    By Jbean168
    This story is heartfelt, fun and full of family antics. I loved it!! I was so happy when Patrick and Marissa finally let their guard down and acknowledged that they were perfect for each other. Also, the family dynamics with the Donovans is always fun and had me laughing. I will miss this side of the Donovan family but can’t wait to learn more about the Donovan cousins.
  • Terrific close to a charming series

    By Wyrdfan
    Four and a half stars KISS ME is the fifth and last book in Samantha Chase’s small-town contemporary romance series about the Donovan family. Patrick Donovan is the last sibling standing, so to speak. Over the past year or so, his brothers and sisters have all met their matches and with wedding planning in the air, his mother has turned the full of her considerable talents and attention to him. Marissa Bennett has been Patrick’s able assistant for the last several years, and professionally they’re quite the dream team. And if they’ve each shoved down a bit of attraction and tingling awareness of the other, well, no one’s the wiser, right? When her personal life intrudes, Patrick proposes a marriage of convenience to benefit them both, only there’s no reason it can’t be a little more real, is there? Samantha Chase’s Kiss Me is an entertaining fake relationship/marriage of convenience story, and is a terrified close to a charming series. Ms Chase hits the small-town, meddling family sweet spot with this! Don’t miss it!
