The Way the Story Goes - Samantha Chase

The Way the Story Goes

By Samantha Chase

  • Release Date: 2021-01-12
  • Genre: Contemporary Romance
Score: 4.5
From 46 Ratings


Thriller writer Mia Kingsley has been hit with a serious case of writer's block and she needs a little peace and quiet. A beach front property in Magnolia Sound seemed like the perfect escape and just the change of scenery she needs to get the words flowing again. That is, until her noisy neighbor starts running power tools and blasting music at all hours of the day and night. Before long, the next victim in her story starts to bear an uncanny resemblance to the contractor next door.

Austin Coleman never wanted to come back to Magnolia Sound. But sometimes, life takes an unexpected turn and the only way to get back on your feet is to go home. His plan is to avoid all things connected to his past, and renovating a beach house in the off-season is just the way to do that—there'll be no neighbors and no distractions. Or so he thought until he almost maims his sexy neighbor with a flying sink. Despite his best efforts, trouble follows everywhere he goes.

At first she wanted to kill him. Now she wants to kiss him. Sometimes you have to wait and see where the story goes.


  • The Way the Story Goes

    By Bruin Reviewer
    Mia Kingsley, a thriller writer, has been dealing with writer’s block, while living in Boston. She decides a change of scenery might help, so she escapes to the beach property in Magnolia Sound, where her college friend lives. Mia soon discovers her neighbor is getting his house renovated. The machines are buzzing, the sounds are deafening both day and night, plus the addition of the loud music and off key singing, it’s driving her crazy. Austin Coleman has returned home to Magnolia Sound to renovate his friend’s house. He is trying to avoid his past but soon finds out, it’s impossible to do. Mia and Austin meet under unusual circumstances. Mia wants to kill him but also wants to kiss him, too. The story evolves around their past growing up, incurring several family dynamics, having many emotional ups and downs, plus finding what makes them happy. Another great return to Magnolia Sound! Loved it!
  • Fun story

    By mgrambo3
    After Mia went to Magnolia sound door Sydney’s wedding she knew she would return at some point, but she never thought that she would rather go home than stay. Her neighbor was doing construction at all hours during the day and not giving her the chance to focus. No matter where she would go in the large rental she couldn’t get past her writers block. Although the construction noises were loud and she couldn’t hear her characters in her current WOP she was inspired with an stand alone story. This story flowed and words were filling pages. But this was not helping getting her book that was past deadline finished. Austin grew up in Magnolia Sound, but moved away for college and has only been back a handful of times. He missed his family when he was gone, but the small town life was a different story. But when a friend bought a house and needed work to make it what he wanted he hired Austin to be the man to get it done. So here he is back in Magnolia Sound, keeping to himself as much as he can to avoid the people in town. This is a sweet with heat enemy to lovers story, of two strangers that are in town for a short while before they resume their lives. With this lead to something or be a good fling to pass the time?
  • Uniquely Fun!!

    By Jbean168
    Austin and Mia were so much fun to get to know. Some of my favorite parts were when they were misunderstanding each other. The dialogue is so well written you can picture being a fly on the wall in the room as Austin jumps to conclusions and Mia takes control and tells him to be quiet, not exactly in those words. LOL!! There was a smile on my face throughout the story. And the happily ever after is sooo sweet and satisfying. I loved it!!
  • Back to the sound

    By KellyMcClure
    AAAAHHHHH….back to the Sound and more HEA! Exactly what the doctor ordered for the mid-winter blahs… Mia Kingsley and Austin Coleman have quite the introduction. She’s plotting his murder and he throws the sink at her….Sounds like a murder mystery?? No way, it’s a fireworks-waiting-to-happen kind of story. An author who is trying to find her muse, Mia escapes to Magnolia Sound for an extended visit to a friend. An architect without a job, Austin returns home to figure out what his next move is going to be. This is another winning story from Samantha Chase that has everyone looking for the perfect escape, with some crazy family and friends thrown in just for kicks and giggles.
  • You can always change your story!

    By KindleKat64
    What can I say I just adore this series so much! And Mia and Austin are such a great couple! I love them! I love how when Mia doesn’t know him yet and just knows him as the nuisance neighbor who is making so much noise it’s impossible to write, she starts writing a story about him where things don’t bode so well for him. It’s so awesome! But once they do meet they have an instant attraction and chemistry for days so it doesn’t take long to change that story. They start an easy relationship where they are both so supportive of each other and can’t keep their hands off each other and I love that, but of course it isn’t all smooth sailing and they will be tested a bit. But thankfully the way this story goes is all the way to a happily ever after.
  • Love being back in Magnolia Sound

    By Cheryl33610
    An interesting plot and charismatic characters welcome the reader back to Magnolia Sound, the small coastal town I enjoy visiting again and again. Mia, the reserved and proper writer of popular thrillers meets Austin, former rabble rouser and current hot...and loud...contractor next door neighbor. Her humorous reaction to his interruption of her peaceful writing expectations is one of my favorite parts of the book! And Austin’s influence helps bring a bit of fun and adventure to Mia’s largely solitary life. Great dialogue is one of the benchmarks I expect of every Samantha Chase book, and this one fulfilled those expectations 100%. I always feel like I’m that girl in the diner, eavesdropping on the people in the next booth! Every conversation not only advances the plot, but gives interesting and valuable insight into every character in the book, not just our newest favorite couple. I’m hoping that Ms. Chase invites us back to Magnolia Sound for a very long time to come! Even if I can’t live there myself, I can visit through the pages of the next book.
  • Fun and Flirty Wonderful Read!

    By Lisa's Reads
    The Way the Story Goes Mia Kingsley is a famous author who was having a little writer block. She decides to go to Magnolia Sounds to visit her friend Sydney and to get away. She ends up finding some inspiration in an unlikely ride neighbor. Austin Coleman grew up in Magnolia Sounds, he is back in town after having a bit of trouble at his job and is working on a beach house there for a friend. He is trying to figure out just what is in his future. This was a wonderful story. I Loved Mia and Austin. There was just something about Mia being an author that just added to the story for me. It was fun seeing a story inside of a story and getting insight into what an authors writing process maybe like. If you are looking for a sweet romance with not a lot of angst, this is an amazing book. I love the banter between Austin and Mia definitely has a sassy yet flirty feel to it. In this case I definitely think opposites attract and I Loved how they compliment each other. It was a heart warming read that kept me smiling and loving it all the way through but also had me feeling for the characters. Amazing overall read, you will definitely want to grab it!
