Kiss the Girl - Samantha Chase

Kiss the Girl

By Samantha Chase

  • Release Date: 2022-08-16
  • Genre: Contemporary Romance
Score: 4.5
From 33 Ratings


Savannah James is no stranger to heartache and loss. It wasn't enough to lose two sets of parents, now she's losing the only person she has left. Escorting Cash Coleman back to Magnolia Sound so he can say goodbye to his family is a no brainer if it means she gets to spend whatever time he has left with him. Once he's gone, it's back to her lonely life in Seattle. At least, that's what she thought would happen before she met Cash's family—and his youngest son.

When it comes to his father, Jackson Coleman isn't short on anger. So when the old man comes back to Magnolia Sound to say goodbye, he's determined not to care. But with Cash comes Savannah, and Jackson starts to question everything he's ever thought about his father—like why was he able to be a parent to a friend's daughter when he couldn't even be there for his own sons? As much as Savannah represents everything he resents about Cash, he also can't deny the intense attraction he feels for her.

After a lifetime of being left behind, Savannah finally found the one person she wants to stay. But in order to have a chance at a happily ever after with Jackson, she'll have to fight every instinct she has to not get attached.


  • Saying Goodbye to Magnolia Sound

    By Patti_L.
    I absolutely LOVED Kiss the Girl! Samantha Chase has done it again and has delivered another incredible love story with Kiss the Girl, the eleventh, and final book in her Magnolia Sound series, which filled me with a rollercoaster of emotions. I love the Magnolia Sound series and each book in the series keeps getting better and better. I think that Kiss the Girl is my favorite book in the series, who does not love a love at first sight love story? Kiss the Girl was the most bittersweet in the series, knowing that it is the last book, but Samantha Chase delivered a fitting final farewell tribute to all the characters in the Magnolia Sounds series who readers have to come to love like family. Samantha Chase has once again provided her readers with amazing characters. I love all the characters in Kiss the Girl, they feel like family! Who does not love hot sexy men, strong, passionate females, and big loving families, who always support one another? Samantha Chase continues to deliver all that and so much more. I love how Samantha Chase always manages to create the "perfect" heroine, who is a strong woman on her own, to balance out the sexy, swoon worthy men. Reading Kiss the Girl felt like catching up at a family reunion and seeing how the lives of the other characters in the series have changed and all the babies! I so enjoyed the book and am so sad that it is the final book in the series. Samantha Chase has once again shown that she is an amazing storyteller. Kiss the Girl did not disappoint, I could not put it down and loved every moment on every page. I enjoy how Samantha Chase writes from the perspective of the two main characters. That way you get to know what is going on in each of their minds. Kiss the Girl is a wonderful love story and is filled with heartbreaking and heartwarming moments. I love the lighter moments where I find myself smiling and laughing out loud and the bittersweet moments that pull at my heartstrings that cause me to sigh, as I read the heartbreaking moments eyes filling with tears. Kiss the Girl is filled with such moments, and with so much more. It is filled with all those things that we have come to love and expect in a Samantha Chase love story, especially the poignant and bittersweet moments that filled this page turner. Kiss the Girl is the story of Savannah James Brennan, massage therapist and Jackson Coleman, former Marine and great-grandson of Ezekiel Coleman, founder of Coleman Construction and one of the founding fathers of Magnolia Sound. Jackson heads to Laurel Bay and stays in the apartment of his friend, Liam Donovan following surgery on his ACL and his retirement from the Marines in order to avoid his family. Savannah left her home in Seattle so that she could drive cross-country with Cash Coleman, the father of Austin, Garrett, and Jackson, to bring him back to his hometown to say good-bye. Savannah heads to Donovan’s Pub to celebrate receiving her final divorce papers and reclaiming her maiden name. While sitting alone in a booth, Jackson comes over and introduces himself as “Jack” and they share a meal. They end their get-together with Jackson kissing her on the check, but no phone numbers were exchanged. Later they run into each other again at Alloro, Parker Bishop’s new spa, where Savannah is interviewing for a job. Their exchange ends with Jackson reacting out of anger toward Savannah. Jackson and Savannah begin spending time together and things quickly heat up between the two of them. I love the chemistry between Jackson and Savannah. As they spend more time together, Jackson shares secrets about his childhood and the career decisions that he made that he has not revealed to anyone before, since Cash had already revealed Savannah’s secrets to Jackson, they realize they may have something more than friendship. I love that both Jackson and Savannah were both so vulnerable and that each of them changed because of their love for one another. Then a surprise plot twist that I did not see coming changes everything that they had built with one another. Make sure you have a box of Kleenex nearby for the last third of the Kiss the Girl. The heart-to-heart conversations that Cash has with his family are truly heartbreaking, especially the ones he has with Jackson, Savannah, and his ex-wife, Grace. I love the conversations that Jackson has with his mother, Grace. I love how it is revealed why Cash suddenly left the last time he was in Magnolia Sound. I loved the ending of the story and the final farewell included insight into the lives of all the characters in the series. I loved the story and am so glad that Savannah and Jackson got their happily ever after. I love all the surprises and plot twists that Samantha Chase included in Kiss the Girl. My favorite part in the book is the epilogue and how it wraps up all the details of the happily ever after, and it did not disappoint! I love the changes that Jackson and Savannah make in their lives to have a life with one another. Kiss the Girl contains all the elements that I have love most in a Samantha Chase story, romance, great characters and setting, bittersweet moments and the plot twist that ties it all together. I enjoyed catching up with the other characters in the series. It felt like going to a family reunion. I enjoy all the interactions among the Coleman brothers and their cousins, it feels like real family love and makes me laugh at their teasing. Kiss the Girl was an amazing story and a wonderful farewell to Magnolia Sound. Love the hints that she included for her new the Donovans series. I could not put it down. Highly recommend love at first sight love story.
  • 10 Star Rating!!

    By Jbean168
    She (Ms. Chase) made me cry!! This is a big deal for me because it takes a real lot for me to cry. That’s what makes this a 10 in my book. From the heartbreaking backstory of Cash to Savannah and Jackson’s beautiful romance, this story had me by the heartstrings. This story will stick with me for awhile and I see re-reads in my future.
  • Emotional ending to the series

    By Cheryl33610
    Wow, I think this is the most emotional story of the series. I’m not usually someone to cries over books…but Samantha Chase really hit my heartstrings this time around. Savannah and Jackson have a ton of turmoil to Wade through in this finale of the Magnolia Sound series. His deadbeat dad, Cash, is back and he’s not a stranger to Savannah…who connects with Jackson when they first meet. Getting to know a stranger is hard enough, but when there’s so many more connections, sometimes uncomfortable ones, between you, there’s bound to be drama. Both these characters touched my heart and I thought their journey was a fitting curtain call on this large and (mostly…lol) lovable small town family. Readers are also set to enjoy the author’s new small town family series from glimpses at the Donovan family…and I can’t wait. It’s sad to be moving on from Magnolia Sound, but the memories and characters will stay in my heart…and on my shelf to be re-read…forever.
  • Kiss the Girl

    By Bruin Reviewer
    What an amazing ending to this series! Cash Coleman returned home hoping to heal his past with his three sons, his ex-wife, and his family, before his death. Savannah James, a young woman he helped in the past with her illnesses and death of her father, accompanied Cash back home because he is all she has left. This is a heartwarming, tearful journey for both of them. Jackson Coleman had just returned from the Marines with a Medical Discharge but he wasn’t ready to reunite with his brothers and mother. A chance meeting in a bar, Savannah and Jackson have an amazing evening, eating, playing darts, and dancing. Neither knew their connection to Cash. They, both, have experiences from their past that hinder moving forward. Their intense attraction and emotional feelings, family connections, heartaches and loss, plus healing from their pasts, makes for a beautiful conclusion to the series. The update of previous characters was welcomed, too! Definitely, 5+Stars! Fantastic writing, Samantha Chase!
