Last Beautiful Girl - Samantha Chase

Last Beautiful Girl

By Samantha Chase

  • Release Date: 2020-09-28
  • Genre: Contemporary Romance
Score: 4.5
From 84 Ratings


When Kyle Jones let Sydney Albright walk out of his life, he gave up on the idea of settling down. How could he when he broke the heart of the only woman he ever loved? For years he distracted himself with a parade of women, all the while hoping he would see Sydney again.

But he never wanted it to be like this... 

Sydney wasn't prepared to become a mom overnight. When she loses her sister and brother-in-law in a tragic accident, she moves back home to become the caregiver for her heart broken niece. It is no surprise to her when the small town rallies to offer support to one of their own. However, that doesn't make Kyle showing up on her doorstep any less jarring.

While Kyle claims he is only there to help, Sydney is instantly on edge. Not only did she vow never to fall for him again, but his timing couldn't be worse. Her niece needs to be her number one priority. Still, seeing the pain in Sydney's eyes, Kyle won't turn his back on her... not again.

He always said she was the first beautiful girl he loved and now he's determined to make her the last.


  • A Love That Deserved a Second Chance

    By KindleKat64
    So nice to be back in Magnolia Sound! This is such a wonderful second chance love story for Kyle and Sydney. I love them both so much! They are such good people and so good together! They were in love at one time years ago, but she wanted to go to college elsewhere and he didn’t want to go at all. Needless to say, things did not end well at all and Kyle has been a serial dater ever since. Sydney, who had been living in Boston and had a great job until recently, is now the guardian of her 12 year old niece Haley, after a tragedy struck leaving Haley an orphan. So now she and Haley are back in Magnolia Sound in the house her late sister and her husband had bought to fix up and live in with Haley so she can try and provide her with some familiarity. Now that she has to see Kyle everyday because he is working on the house, they find the chemistry is definitely still there between them, but can they honestly move forward and put the past behind them or does the hurt run too deep? Is the love still there or can it be rekindled? Will Kyle’s first beautiful girl that he loved all those years ago be the last beautiful girl he will love forever? Sweet, sexy and emotional, this story tugs on all the heartstrings and I love it so much!! There were definite ups and downs for Kyle and Sydney and Haley as they work things out, but of course it all does work out in the end; this is a romance after all. Fantastic story! I loved it!!
  • Second chance with a first love

    By Cheryl33610
    Last Beautiful Girl is a really touching second chance story set against a backdrop of tragedy. Sydney and Kyle had very different reactions to seeing each other after a painful teenage breakup and years without contact. Being overwhelmed with the new responsibility of her pre-teen, grieving niece definitely colored her reaction to Kyle probably more than if they just saw each other on the street! The surprising thing was how all-in this seemingly confirmed bachelor was not only with Sydney, but also with Hayley. Honestly, Kyle was not a character I had really paid attention to in the previous Magnolia Sound books because he didn’t make an impression on me...good or bad. But I’m so glad that Ms. Chase included his story in this series, because it turns out he’s much more than the lighthearted playboy that everyone, from his family to his boss, thinks he is. I enjoyed Kyle, Sydney and Hayley’s journeys separately, as well as together, and look forward to seeing them again in more (??) Magnolia Sound stories.
