All the Befores - Samantha Chase

All the Befores

By Samantha Chase

  • Release Date: 2019-12-10
  • Genre: Contemporary Romance
Score: 4.5
From 54 Ratings


Susannah Westbrook never thought she'd find love again.

After a failed marriage, focusing on her children instead of her love life was the best thing to do. Now years later, she's content with her life. But when she meets Colton Hale, she decides that she wants to be more than just content—she's ready to take a chance on love once again.

After just a year of being together, Colton is ready to spend forever with Susannah—to give her the happily ever after she deserves. But old insecurities have a way of making a comeback when you least want them to.

Will they be able to get over all their befores for a chance at their happy ever after?


  • Heartwarming & Exhilarating!

    By Astroyic
    Susannah Westbrook has been dating and falling for Colton Hale since she met him a little of a year ago. As her labor of love, her Bed and Breakfast, “Magnolia On The Sound” is about to be opened to the public. Susannah’s past insecurities and failure causes her to second guess the love, and the life, that she has made with Colton. So when he proposes to her, she not only turns him down but she also breaks up with him, even though she loves him. Susannah struggles with the pain of her past marriage and the painful words of her ex-husband that have plagued her for decades. Constantly keeping her from taking a chance on love ever again. Worried that she would not be able to survive failure once again. But as her children rally to her side and try to reassure and persuade her to move forward in her life and her love with Colton it doesn’t seem like it is enough. But although Colton is gutted from her refusal. At the urging of Susannah’s children he is ready to try to fight for their love and help her view their future in a different light. So when problems start with the opening of her bed and breakfast, it is Colton who is there to help fix the issues, and make sure that her dream will open on time. Kind, loving, positive and dependable Colton. But will it be enough to change her mind? This was heartbreaking and heartwarming with all the feels that will bring you to your knees, and build you back up once again. I was seriously crying at the beginning of this book and crying once again at the end. But at the end it was happy tears as well as tingles from such a exhilaratingly, fantastic ending. Loved this so much!! “And all the befores, all our nows, and all our tomorrows... this life we have is precious and I never want us to take them for granted.”
  • I adore this book!

    By KindleKat64
    I love this series so much!!! And I absolutely adore Susannah and Colton!! Samantha Chase made me so very happy with this story! I love over 40 romance especially when it is a part of a series. The fact that we get to see Mallory and Sam's mom Susannah find love and a happily ever after again after what her first husband put her through is just so heartwarming. And that it is with Colton is even better. What a man!! I don't want to say more because it is not a long story and it is so worth experiencing it all for the first time when you read it yourself.
  • Oh to be Susannah...

    By Lse587
    What a fabulous book. My favorite Magnolia Sound to date (and that is saying a lot!) So great to see Susannah and Colton's story take life ... and what a life it is. They're a bit more mature than most of the author's stories, which is great for for many of us who fit into that age bracket. Both Susannah and Colton are easily relatable. They’ve each had previous marriages and have grown to appreciate the friendship and romantic aspect of their relationship Against the backdrop of Mallory and Sam getting married, Colton is ready to take things to the next level. He had a marriage that really didn’t work and he is certain that Susannah is it for him. Her Inn is in shape and almost ready to open and she's on top of things. The story pulled me in immediately when Colton's surprise proposal isn't received well and things go about as far south as they could. Susannah’s insecurities, carryovers from her previous marriage to a real jerk, has given her heaps of doubts about being in permanent relationships. This book kept me engaged from the start ... it's so tightly woven that I forgot it was a novella. Familiar characters Sam, Mallory, Shelby, and Jake join forces to pull them back together. This book has love, family, self-doubts from past heart-break, and a vision of love. The way the author brought out the past colliding with the present for each of the characters had me feeling their pain and hoping for the future. As soon as I finished I started an immediate re-read. Ms. Chase is among my favorite writers and this book is a perfect example. The characters are realistic and the storyline tugs at your heart. You'll end the book wishing for more news (fingers crossed for bonus chapters or a major part of another book) featuring Susannah and Colton. Here’s hoping that Ms. Chase is hard at work at the next book! Download this book now! If it's your first Magnolia Sound book, don't worry. The writing is a standalone with characters that will make you smile when you see them in other books! If it’s not your first Magnolia Sound book, you’ll feel right at home with familiar characters and sights. Either way, you’re in for a treat, for sure! I received an ARC. This is my honest review.
