With This Cake - Samantha Chase

With This Cake

By Samantha Chase

  • Release Date: 2021-05-04
  • Genre: Contemporary Romance
Score: 4.5
From 83 Ratings


Cheery baker dreams of finding Mr. Right…

When your last name is Baker, it's really only a matter of time before it also becomes your job title. Some might see it as a self-fulfilling prophecy, but for Leanna, being the go-to baker for Meet Me at the Altar is a dream come true. There's nothing she loves more than to create the perfect desserts to help couples celebrate their big days. But despite what they say about the way to a man's heart being through his stomach, Leanna has yet to lure her perfect man with her sweet treats.

Uptight workaholic dreams of being left alone…

If Brody King is going to take time off, he would much rather it be to train for his triathlon and not his brother's engagement party. It would be one thing if it was just a regular party, but no, his brother and his bride-to-be had to go over the top and plan a full week of family togetherness and ridiculous wedding games. There's no way he's going to survive it.

When Brody crashes into Leanna and a hundred cupcakes are ruined, he does the only thing he can–he offers to help her make more. All it takes is a few cups of sugar and a dash of vanilla before Brody is craving not just Leanna's sweet treats, but the baker herself.


  • OMG!!

    By Jbean168
    I LOVED this story!! It is a sweet, fun, lighthearted story of two people that start out on the wrong foot. Then cue the romance and fun between the sexy hero and the strong, independent heroine. Leanna and Brody are soooo perfect for each other. Some of my favorite parts were when they were when Brody started to figure out that Leanna wasn’t like any of the women he’d dated and would put him in his place when needed. I also wanted to punch Mr. King in the nose few times just to wake him up to the great son he had. I’m glad he got to redeem himself. Also, the ending was perfect!!
  • Cake, Cake, Cake

    By KellyMcClure
    We get to re-visit the Meet Me at the Altar group with Leanne and Brody. This is a great series to begin the summer wedding season with, especially being a mom planning two weddings! The humor in this series helps take away a little of the crazy. But Broody Brody better not make an appearance at our cozy wedding and make a girl cry. This series continues to grow and is another example of why we love Samantha Chase.
