East Bound - Nana Malone

East Bound

By Nana Malone

  • Release Date: 2021-02-23
  • Genre: Contemporary Romance
Score: 4.5
From 78 Ratings


Everyone knows East Hale is ruthless.

I freely admit it… I’m not a nice man.
And Agent Nyla Kincaid is about to find that out firsthand.

I allowed her to get too close and in the end, she burned me.

To keep the secrets of the Elite, I seduced her.
The distraction worked, but like a moth to a flame, I singed my wings.
She will pay for my mistake, and revenge will be sweet.

The good girl is about to find out why Daddy told her to stay away from bad men.

And this time, I will not take care with her heart.

*This isn’t the end of the story. It takes time to become a master thief. Join me and the London Lords in the epic conclusion, The Fall of East


  • What a cliffhanger

    By Ladietee46
    Omg is all I can say right now!
  • I Love These Lords

    By coffeegoddesstmk
    And, the London Lords are at it again... I'll say this, Nana Malone knows how to do the romantic suspense. Action, intrigue, danger, plus plenty of steam, wit, and hustle, the Hear No Evil trilogy is just as addictive and delicious as the See No Evil trilogy before it. East and Nyla don't know whether to kiss or kill each other, what with all of the crossing and double-crossing. Interpol, the Elite, so many secrets and so much going on, it's no wonder that no one knows who to trust. The Lords are some of my favorites, and the way that they interact, the brotherhood and friendship, is one of my favorite parts of these books, along with getting to see old friends. Nana also knows how to write one heck of a cliffhanger, leaving us wondering what the heck is going on, and how things will end up. Me, I'm hoping that East and Nyla can get things sorted, because they really are a great match. EAST BOUND should be read after EAST END (Book 1) so that you'll have any idea of what in the world is going on. Waiting for Book 3 is the perfect time to get all caught up, so make sure that the Lords are on your TBR, and enjoy. ❤️
  • Soooo good!

    By JeanMarie5
    OMG! I don't even know where to begin with this book and then that ending! AAGH! I love Nana Malone's writing and this series has been amazing. This is the second book in the Hear No Evil Trilogy (and yes, you do need to read the first book to enjoy this one). This picks up where book one leaves off. East believes that he can't trust Nyla (Interpol agent). He bans her from all things relating to him even when she tries to help him. Luckily she has access to his friends. This book has everything and will take you on a wonderful rollercoaster ride in the process. There's drama (and not just between Nyla and East). Nyla even has it out with her best friend, Amelia. East and Nyla are pushed together by Theroux (the guy that Nyla wants to capture and East needs to watch). You can only imagine what happens when they get pushed together. Nothing is ever easy and nothing is as it seems. (on a side note, I don't trust Drew). Interpol and others are intertwined and bullets are flying! Of course, in the end, all they need to do is follow the plan but that's easier said than done. I never saw that ending coming and I can't wait for book 3. A great read!
  • The only way is East

    By MamaBird07
    Nana Malone kills me!!! Warning alert...cliffhanger!! This second book in East Hale’s story of the London Lords is once again everything I’ve come to love from Nana’s books. There’s adventure, twists, the unexpected and all the steamy, satisfying love scenes that even your husband will want to keep buying you books just to get the same reaction! In this second book, we see East burn Nyla and the ensuing adventure that inevitably will push them to decide what their future looks like. I love that both these characters are so strong in their own right and Nana does a great job at the back and forth with them and the development of their characters as well as their relationship. If haven’t read this series, start now! If you haven’t read Nana Malone, start now!! I’m telling you, it’s worth it!!
  • East and Nyla are a Perfect Pair!!

    4.5 Stars!! I absolutely loved East Bound!! I cannot shout enough how much I loved this book. Wow!! What a ride Nana Malone took us on in this the second book in the Hear No Evil Trilogy. Once I opened this book, I could not put it down it was so good. I read this one in a day. Yes, it was that good!! Remember you must read East End before you begin East Bound!! So, if you haven't done so, don't ready any further. East Bound picks up right where East End left off and then proceeds to take its reader on one of the most intense rides of intrigue, mystery, revenge, romance and "OMG! DID THAT REALLY JUST HAPPEN" moments. East and Nyla are simply combustible together. Their chemistry jumps off the page at you, and you just want everything cleared out of the way so that they can get to their happily ever after. East Bound also gives us a more in depth look into who Nyla is and the events in her life that have made her who she is, and why she fights so hard for the things and the people that she believes in and loves. If you are looking for a book with suspense, alpha males, beautiful and strong women, and a whole lot of whodunnit it, the Hear No Evil Trilogy is the series for you. Bravo, Nana Malone on yet another wonderful read. Oh, and can I get the conclusion already, because that ending...Umm, yeah, I need The Fall of East RIGHT NOW!!
  • East is back!

    By JustNicole19
    Nana Malone never disappoints and neither does the second book in the Hear No Evil Trilogy, East Bound finds us knee-deep in more mystery surrounding the London Lords and the Elite. How does Agent Nyla Kincaid fit in? Which side will she choose? A fantastic read as are the other titles in the series. I cannot wait to read the final book in the trilogy to see how it all turns out.
  • I love heading East!!!!

    By broken_heart
    East Bound starts off at a fast pace. East Hale is out for blood, and his target is someone he can’t get out of his blood: Agent Nyla Kincade! Of the books in the London Lord series, these books are my favorite so far. East is wild and Nyla is no damsel in distress. While Nana Malone is know for creating strong female characters, Nyla is on par with Penny in just how strong and capable at protecting herself. This skill comes in handy throughout the book. The only downside I found was that I feel like too many people in this book had to explain just how strong Nyla is. She is an Interpol agent... Nyla obviously has to be strong to get to where she is. However, I feel that this isn’t too far from reality since oftentimes women are still seen as weaker, but I am hoping that in the final installment of this book series, there will be bigger topics to tackle. I have a feeling that with the explosion ending of East Bound, I will get my wish! I can’t wait to see how this ends! I also love the set up for Bridge’s story and how that is going to play out!!! I am so excited!
  • Dam that was spectacular

    By Fine pumpkin 511
    Holy crap that was an intensive mind blowing and suspenseful adventure. Oh it was so dam good that it had me talking out loud to my iPad and when the battery died on it I switched to my phone at 2:00 a.m because I had to finish it. Wow, the ending was spectacular! Really Nana your killing me. I have some theories about some things and I can’t wait to find out if I’m correct in the final installment. Nana Malone is the Goddess of romantic suspense. Until next time y’all happy reading.
  • Loving East

    By Sandialys
    OMG, what just happened? What a cliffhanger! I am loving this series. I love East and Nyla, I can’t wait to read the next book. This one picks ups where book one left off, and it’s a page turner. This was a hard book to put down. I love that the whole gang is in this book, they keep me laughing with their antics and wittiness. I will be here waiting impatiently for book three.
  • Love me some East!

    By Ashel05
    Wooooowwww! That ending Though. I may love East & Nyla the most. Of all the royals and lords series! This book was soooo good! Picks up right where book 1 leaves off, I love the dynamic between Nyla and East. And I feel for Nyla, her need to prove her worth. Her need for her dad to really see her. And East. His fear of failing someone he loves.... I cannot wait for the book 3 conclusion. Highly, highly recommend.
