London Soul - Nana Malone

London Soul

By Nana Malone

  • Release Date: 2019-11-19
  • Genre: Contemporary Romance
Score: 4
From 140 Ratings


Before her, I was: 

A possessive pain in the ass. 

Who am I kidding? I still am.

Love wasn’t for me. 
I’d come to terms with that a long time ago.

And then I met her. I was this close to freedom. But one look at her and I was caught in a web I could’t escape. One I didn’t want to escape.

But then someone took her from me. Now they’ll find out just how far I’m willing to go to get her back.

To save the woman I love, all I need to do is expose my secrets. Secrets that will have consequences for her and the crown.

Note: A long long time ago, I wrote a book called LONDON BOUND. You can no longer get that book, but Alexi and Abbie have gotten another chance to tell you their story in a whole new way. LONDON ROYAL and LONDON SOUL are a new take on their story adding them to my royals world! These books have fresh material, a fresh plot, and are being told from a whole new point of view. Enjoy!


  • Abbie and Lex...They belong together!!

    Wow!! What a conclusion, but is this really the end?!?!! Umm...the ending in this book is even more explosive than the ending in London Royal!! My goodness does Nana Malone know how to keep her readers coming back for more!! I am super excited about the next installment in this series!! I really could not put this book down once I started reading it!! Abbie and Lex have had to overcome so many obstacles, so many secrets, so many twists and turns, but through it all, their relationship was strengthened, and they, esp. Lex, learned open and honest communication is always the best policy. London Soul is the conclusion to Abbie and Lex's story...and oh, how I love these two!! They are perfect for each other. They really and truly complete each other. I loved the way Lex was so determined to protect Abbie, and Abbie's realization that her past was not her destiny and that she deserved to be happy and safe, and truly loved. Abbie and Lex really fought for their relationship, and I enjoyed every bit of all of the roller coaster ride that it took for them to get to their happily ever after. If you want to read a book with wonderful characters that you will fall in love with, that has suspense, intrigue, romance, and humor, the London Royal duet is the book for you. I actually recommend starting with Royals Undercover. The entire interconnected series is great. You will never get enough of these characters or Nana Malone's witty and engaging writing style. Yet another great read by Nana Malone.
  • Darn cliffhangers!!!!

    By broken_heart
    Darn you Nana Malone!!!!!! London Soul is the continuation of the story of Abbie and Alexi. When we last saw Abbie she was being kidnapped! Nana Malone and her darn cliffhangers, of which she is truly the Queen of!! Without giving away too many spoilers, nothing is as it seems, even Abbie’s kidnapping. London Soul fleshes out more of Lex’s past and more of the Nartey family dynamics. Abbie and Lex bob and weave their way thru love and troubles throughout this book! We also get a glimpse of why Lex is the man that he is and why he hates his father so much. Thankfully, we also get to see why Lex is so loyal to his mother. With London Soul, we are also given more aspects of how royalty has impacted The Chase Brothers both past and present. Speaking of the present, Nana Malone giveth and she taketh away. Nana gave us a preview of Xander and what should be is happy ending. Yet some how, she does the unthinkable and ends this duet on a cliffhanger!!!!! So just be forewarned that you will be dying in wait for Royal Playboy aka Xander’s story.
  • Another Duet Complete

    By JustNicole19
    London Soul completes one half of our trip down memory lane with the Chase brothers. I was happy to revisit Lex and Abbie’s story and Nana Malone does not disappoint with a new take on a classic tale now with added royal intrigue. That cliffhanger though, Nana you don’t want none of these hands sis. LOL! I can’t wait for Xander’s story.
  • Review: London Royal Duet 2: London Soul

    By LisaHines711
    London Soul by Nana Malone is the second and final book in her brand new duet, London Royal . While connected to the world of our Winston Isle royals, this duet takes us back to London and an exiled royal family. Picking up from the cliffhanger at the end of book one, thankfully, things aren't as dire as they seemed, yet. But with the secrets that Alexi is keeping from Abbie may just be a deal breaker for Abbie. She already has enough issues thanks to her abusive ex. She can't and won't deal with secrets and lies from Alexi. And while her photography career is off to a great start she still has to deal with Xander's flirtations and all the upheaval Alexi's secrets are causing. By the end of the story we are back in present day dealing with dilemma of the assassination and their new obligations to the throne. Loved it. Enjoy!
  • London Soul. Review by Christine Jalili

    By Bshksuhwb
    I loved this book. Loved the chemistry between Abbie and Alexi. But what is he hiding from her? So many secrets and I stayed on edge. I cried when he tells her what happened when he was just six years old. I can’t wait for the next book, I highly recommend this book.
  • Getting all our questions answered!

    By Samantha B. Sokol
    Getting all our questions answered! This book leaves off where the last one in this duet left off, and the answers to all our questions start coming in hot! We get to see Abbie finally close the chapter in her life with Easton and have her time to show how her character has truly grown from the beginning of the last book. We also get to know more about Lex and what actually happened to him as a child. While the road to happiness between them wasn’t easy, everything finally comes out into the open when the media ousts them, and the truth sets Lex free but with Abbie’s past, it might be too late. The only thing I wasn’t too happy with was how the ending really rushed through catching up to present time and addressing the twins becoming princes. I will say that the transition into the next duet was so seamless and really pulls you in and gets you excited to find out what exactly happens! With this being my second duet with Nana, I’ve gotten to know her style of writing, and while I feel the endings are rushed, I really enjoy that they are duets so things get resolved yet we still get a cliffhanger with each storyline. I voluntarily read and reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.
  • Left hanging again ...

    By charlligirl
    Wow, what an epilogue. I can't believe you left me hanging yet again. Yes, you finished Lex and Abbie's story, but now you have me intrigued with Xan and Imani. What the freaking heck. What will the future hold for this family? Lex and Abbie had to work so hard to overcome their own, individual issues in order to become a couple. I still have so many unanswered questions. Questions I need to know the answers to. It's going to drive me batty waiting for the next book. Well done. Not many can drive me batty.
  • WOW Nana

    By Fine pumpkin 511
    Wow, there was a whole lot of crazy going on!!!! Lex with all of his secrets started to annoy me even though I knew that they came from his insecurities. He was sweet as cotton candy with a loving soul. His love and protection that he showed Abbi was swoon worthy. Abbi was so brave to fight her own insecurities and fight for Lex and she was strong enough to fight through her fears. Now let me get to the crazy. Pushy paparazzi, a douche bag ex boyfriend, a delusional advisor, a scared needy lesbian with a conniving girlfriend, a mean spirited narcissistic father, and secrets all over the place lead to a twisty wild roller coaster ride. I didn’t even mention the jaw dropping ending. Holy moly this book was good. I can’t wait for Xander’s books. Yea, more twisty craziness. Dam Nana, you are so good at what you do. Until next time y’all happy reading.
