Teasing the Princess - Nana Malone

Teasing the Princess

By Nana Malone

  • Release Date: 2019-01-08
  • Genre: Contemporary Romance
Score: 4.5
From 243 Ratings


I will find her. I will save her. And I will not be kind to the man who took her from me.

I knew I wasn’t supposed to fall in love. But I did it anyway. 

I was so consumed with watching her that I didn’t see the threat to her safety. And now it might have cost the princess - my princess - her life. She’s gone. Someone took her from me. The one behind all the pain the royals have suffered. And I won’t stop until I find her… and punish him. 

But after I rescue her, I’ll need to stay away. I won’t make the same mistake twice. Even if it means a life without her love. Besides, a girl like her with a guy like me? There’s a reason our relationship is a secret. She won’t survive the scandal. 

There’s no way I can love her and protect her. 
I'll have to choose one. 

But how can I live with just the tease of her?

(This is Book 2 in the Royals United duet.)


  • Review: Royals United 2: Teasing The Princess

    By LisaHines711
    Teasing the Princess by Nana Malone is the second and last book in the Royals United duet. This series is connected to other Royal series by this author but can completely be read as a standalone duet. Told in dual POV between Roone, the bodyguard undercover to protect a princess that doesn't know her true heritage, and Jessa, the lost princess who is battling her own demons and is determined to keep everyone, especially Roone, at a distance. Book two picks up from book one's cliffhanger. The truth is out and tensions are high. Roone is not only worried about Jessa's safety but about wether he is even good enough for her - she is a princess after all. Jess is overwhelmed by all the things she has found out about her past, her family, and where the real danger might be coming from. At this point none of the royal family of the Winston Isles is safe. With some hilarious interactions between the stubborn Roone and sassy Jessa, and also between Roone's undercover partner in charge of the mission Ariel, this book has sass, sex, steam, and drama making it a wonderful story. Enjoy!
  • Team Winston Isles Forever

    By nhelmo
    Great job, Ladies. Malone Squared does it again. This is the 2nd and last installment regarding the Lost Princess, Jessa, and her personal Royal Guard, Roone. We were left hanging in the first book with Roone being laid out and us not knowing what the heck happened. Jessa takes matters and the skills her father taught her into her own hands. She makes an effort to get to the bottom of this mystery. We get to see Team Winston Isles embrace their last member. Jessa is immediately enamored with Winston Isles and it trying to find a way to cope with all of her newfound information. In addition, she is running for her life with no one really having a clue who is after her. On top of everything else, Ariel is looking for dear old dad. With some help from lovely Matthias from Blake Security, she is able to track him down. This book keeps you on pins and needles wondering how it will all turn out. And will Jessa ever forgive Roone. This book is exciting and keeps you interested until the end. Just when you think it should be over you get another shot at solving this crazy jigsaw puzzle. I can't wait to see what they will come up with for Ariel's story. I am anxiously awaiting more from this dynamic duo.
  • Questions answered

    By Collyd20
    After ending book 1 on a cliffhanger I couldn't wait to get Teasing the Princess. It didn't disappoint. In this book Jessa learns more and comes to terms with who she really is as well as the new family she finds herself now apart. She also has to resolve how Roone fits into all of this and how she feels about that. Meanwhile Roone is still very much in love with her and only wants to keep her safe from the very real threat that has been over the whole family. Everything comes to a head and many questions are answered. This is the perfect end to a very good series and I have to admit Roone and Jessa are by far my favorite of he royals. Don't mess out on the whole series and especially these two. I received an advanced readers copy for a honest review.
  • ♥️Jessa and Roone’s Conclusion

    By Izzibear
    This is another fantastic book in the Royals series. Love is not always perfect or easy but it’s worth fighting for. That’s exactly what Jessa and Roone do. I just adored how loving and protective Roone is of Jessa. The constant presence of danger while they try to figure out who’s after Jessa and who wants to bring down the royal family only brings them closer together. I love how independent and strong Jessa is. She definitely keeps Roone on his toes. Their story had me laughing, crying and sitting on the edge of my seat wondering what was going to happen next. I can’t wait for Ariel’s story.
  • What a twist!

    By JustNicole19
    Teasing the Princess is the thrilling conclusion in the Royals United series. Roone and Jessa’s story had all the sass and swoon-worthy scenes one comes to expect from a Nana Malone book. That ending tho! Another epic Royals story that you don’t want to miss!
  • Explosive

    By charlligirl
    Holy Batman. After the way the previous book ended, I didn't think Ms Malone could top it or bring enough angst to conclude the story, but she did. An explosive beginning that leads into chaos and wraps up nicely with a HEA. Lordy how I wished I was Jessa throughout this series. She is a strong and capable female that has both physical and mental strength. And a brain too. This is a story for young girls to read and emulate. I love that Roone just wants to protect her, but he understands when he needs to step back and let her take care of herself. A great love story, but an even better story of female strength.
  • WOW!

    By Mrsttho
    In the last book, Roone has gone and fell in love with Jessa. But she found out who he really was and ghosted. Now Jessa is on a mission, and Roone is looking for forgiveness. In this book so many characters are brought back and we get to see what the other royals have been up to. It was also great to see how Roone’s and Jessa’s relationship evolved. Also, on a side note there is a bit of heartbreak involved that I didn’t see coming. This was a wonderful book with some great surprises!
  • At last!!!

    By broken_heart
    The wait is over!!! It feels like it took forever for Teasing the Princess to come out!!! Or maybe that is because I have been anxiously waiting for this book!!! We pick up where we left off with in Royal Tease with Jessa and Roone, and their standoff. The twist thrown in on how the standoff concludes is hilarious! There is a lot of action as well and more from our favorite other royals in this book, especially Queen Penny. I really liked their inclusion because, it tied the other novels in the Royal Universe to Teasing the Princess. It makes the story arcs seem more realistic verses knowing these characters are related but they don’t interact much because it isn’t their story. It is also nice that the guys from Blake Security are still being included in the Royals series, I just wish that they weren’t just chilling in the background (but it isn’t their universe so it is expected, I just love that universe as well!). I love that Nana finally listened to us and gave us more of Ariel!!!!! My only complaint about Teasing the Princess is that there was some level of predictability in a few of the “twists” but if you aren’t ready for a little cheese, some wine, and a little predictability in a romance novel, you are reading the wrong genre. I can’t wait to where Nana takes us next with Ariel’s story!
  • 5 Royal Stars!!

    By Kelly_BTC Blog
    OMG…..this is the EXACT ending I was hoping for from Jessa and Roone’s story!! Teasing the Princess picks up right where Royal Tease ended. And let me just say, that cliffhanger was a B*TCH!! (But in a totally good way, trust me!) So much happens in this book that revolves around everything that has happened over the course of each duet. And it finally concludes here. Suspense, drama, heartache, loyalty, devotion, and romance all blend together in this remarkable conclusion to a royal romance that evokes compassion, anguish, and elation from the reader. I wish I could go into specific detail about what actually happens in this book, but that would completely ruin it for all the readers that haven’t been introduced to these fabulous royals. But what I will say about Jessa and Roone is that they are absolutely perfect for one another. The both share a need and ambition to define themselves as more than what happened to them in their past. And as much as they want that, they each struggle with actually believing in themselves and others around them and accept that their pasts don’t define who they are deep inside. That the love and dedication to the people around them is also reflected back onto them. Through all the twists and turns, the exciting ups and inevitable downs, and the secrets and lies, unconditional love and support is found, even through the darkest of times. The Royal United Duet was undoubted intriguing and exciting to read! The romance was sizzling, the characters were 100% unique, and the story line was flawlessly written. Please, PLEASE pick up this duet. Better yet, start off with Sebastian’s story in the Royals Undercover Duet, then onto Lucas’ tale in the Royals Undone Duet. These books do not disappoint!! 5 Stars!
  • Loved it!

    By Sandialys
    I loved Roone’s and Jessa’s story. This book picks up where book one left off. I love these characters and all the rest of the royal family that reappear in this this book too. Nana Malone has quickly became one of my go to authors. I am never disappointed with her books. This one had me hooked from start to finish.
