Bryce - Nana Malone


By Nana Malone

  • Release Date: 2017-02-07
  • Genre: Contemporary Romance
Score: 4
From 140 Ratings


Money, power, prestige...failure.  

Don't call it a comeback....because no one else is. I spent my whole life preparing for the pro tennis circuit, but it only took one false move to lose it all.

I was poised to live up to the Coulter family sports legacy. 

Now, with the pressure on and my future in jeopardy, the last thing I need is a smart-mouthed training partner who isn’t the least bit impressed by my last name or my money.

Tami thinks I’m rich, spoiled and moneyed. She’s got an attitude that’s only rivaled by her killer swing. She’s also got a past that makes me want to fix everything for her. If only she’d let me. I’ve got a plan for us both to win…

But only if I can convince her that with me, love isn’t a losing score.

Other Books in The Player Series Include:


  • You will want to read more!!!!

    By broken_heart
    Nana Malone makes you feel all of feels with this one!!! It was so hard to put down my iPad once I started reading Bryce and Tami's story!!!! I can't wait to read the rest of the series if this is the opener!!!
  • Loved Bryce and Tami!!

    By Froggy addict
    I loved the chemistry between Bryce and Tami. This book kept me very intrigued and I had to finish it in one sitting!! Awesome read, cans wait for the next one in the series!
  • A must read!

    By Mrsttho
    This book had me laughing, crying, and reaching for my husband. Bryce and Tami are from different sides of the track. While he's rich and established, she is broke and working class. When he meets her, he knows that he needs her in every way possible. Tami doesn't see it that way. Once the realize that they are meant to be, they overcome the obstacles a little at a time. They fit together, like a well worn leather glove, on the tennis court and off. If you haven't grabbed your copy yet, get it. You will not be disappointed.
  • Great start to a series!

    By Kim B.S.
    Bryce and Taxi's story shows how not only do opposites attract, but they also help you become stronger together. He's a man that's grown up with money, things came easily to him. Until an injury has caused him to stop playing. While she's had to work for everything she has and has had to let go of her dreams to be there for her Mom. When they meet, Bryce realizes that Tami's also someone that he'll have to work to get what he wants, and that's her. Take the time to read the story of these two. It's a fun adventure to join! This is a great start to a new series. Can't wait to read the rest...
  • Opposites attract

    By singneon
    Tami is surviving, she's loves tennis but missed her opportunity to be able play professionally years ago. Bryce is building his tennis career when he gets hurt playing the game he loves, now he doesn't know if he will play again. He doesn't have to play because he is rich, his whole snobbish family is rich. Bryce is drawn to the strength & determination he sees in Tami and this game....of love he won't be giving up on. These two complement one another, Tami is wary, of rich guys, very independent and a tad stubborn but they are well matched. A little rivalry, a few secrets and some good ole payback all thrown in to make this a very entertaining sports romance which I very much enjoyed reading.
  • Great read!!!

    By SeriouslyT
    I liked this book a lot. It was a fun read. I like the characters and look forward to future books in this series! Nana Malone didn't disappoint with her strong sassy female character!!! I loved the chemistry between Bryce and Tami and the supporting characters were fabulous! The only reason I didn't give it 5 stars is because I was hoping for a little more between Bryce and his family in the end.
  • Passion beyond the court.

    By Adin419
    Sports can give you great pleasure when you enjoy playing and you are successful or great anguish when you can't play the sport you deeply love. This love for the game brings Bryce and Tami together in a passionate, sexy, and romantic story about how this passion can transform you in more ways that you ever imagine. Bryce seems to have it all, but there is more behind the golden boy of tennis, specially after a devastating injury. Tami has nothing, but her love for the game she had to leave behind. They come from very different worlds, but their love for the game and the passion that increases between them is exactly what both need to overcome the tragedies of their past and move towards a successful and bright future together. This journey is not without obstacles and even though their journey is a bit bumpy and more fearsome that it has to be, together they can accomplish anything in and out of the court.
  • Classic romance with a twist

    By charlligirl
    This book was great. It was a classic romance with a twist. So Bryce gets injured on the tennis court in a major tournament at the beginning of the book. As he goes through healing and rehab, he's having a hard time trusting that he is really healed and can perform the way he did before. His family is no help to him since they keep asking him why he's not doing more and when is he going to start playing tournaments again. Tami has been hurt due to the loss of both of her parents and then by a boyfriend who turns out to be engaged to someone else. In addition, her job does not fulfill her and causes additional stress because she does not go out with any of the guys so rumors circulate. She uses tennis to vent her stress and frustration. Enter Bryce ... Both Bryce and Tami are dealing with trust issues; with others and with themselves. They want to trust and believe but they've been hurt. They pair up for mixed doubles tennis tournaments and start to build trust in themselves and each other. It was nice to see the underlying theme in this book and not just the typical romance. I enjoyed watching the characters learn and grow and deal with real life issues. Fabulous book and I definitely recommend it. Looking forward to the next book in the series.
  • Loved it

    By VZ3580
    Really loved the story between Bryce & Tami. He was such a vulnerable character hidden behind this bad boy image. loved how their chemistry came together, this story will not disappoint
  • A nice Sports Romance

    By bbs59
    Bryce comes from a long line of achievers with pressure to succeed. Tami is trying to,live life with tragedy in her past. Tennis is the beginning of their connection. There are suspicions, trust issues and other problems like his family that makes their lives challenging. A nice blend of sports and romance.
