Royal Playboy - Nana Malone

Royal Playboy

By Nana Malone

  • Release Date: 2020-01-07
  • Genre: Contemporary Romance
Score: 4.5
From 132 Ratings


Vengeance is best served piping hot.
Prodigal Son. Black Sheep. Playboy Prince. 
I've been called lots of things. Merciful is not one of them.
It doesn’t matter what you call me, as long as I get what I want…
What I crave.

And it’s not the crown.

She is the Princess I didn’t see coming. The one I didn’t plan for. 
Until her, women came easy.
Until her, I wasn't sure I had a heart. Now that I know, I'll give up anything to have her...
Well…almost anything.

Other Books in the London Royals
London Royal
London Soul
Royal Playboy
Playboy’s Heart


  • Review: Playboy Royal Duet 1: Royal Playboy

    By LisaHines711
    Royal Playboy by Nana Malone is the first book in her latest duet, Playboy Royal. This is the story of Xander Chase whom we met in his brother Alexi’s duet, London Royal. Keeping with same style, the story opens with a dramatic moment in present time and takes us back to see how Xander and his wife met and fell in love. Told in dual POV between Xander and Imani, this story is just the beginning of their tale. With both of them so guarded it’s difficult for them to share their secrets and drop their walls but as the reader you learn that the demons that haunt each of them are eerily similar. Sexy and funny with so much burning sexual chemistry and tension between these two I thoroughly enjoyed this and am eagerly awaiting the conclusion to Xander and Imani’s story. Enjoy!
  • I’ll Make You An Offer You Can’t Refuse!

    Holy Moly was this book good!! Wow!! I wish I could give it more than 5 stars even though it is only Part 1 in this Duet. Let me just set the record straight right now...Alexander "Xander" Chase is my favorite Chase brother. His arrogance, sacrasm and standoffish attitude are all covers for the heartbreak that he tries so desperately to hide. This book is filled with mystery, intrigue, hot, laughter, and steamy romance, and chemistry between the hero and heroine that will set the pages on fire. This book will also break your heart. The underlying story of the hero and the heroine truly is emotionally gripping. Royal Playboy focuses on Xander, Lexi's older brother and cousin to Sebastian, King of the Winston Isles, and Imani Brooks, an America student studying at the RADA. Xander has the reputation of being a ladies man. He is gorgeous, rich, super talented, a professor who all students want in his class, since he is the best, and who happens to be an extremely sought after professional photographer. Imani is an aspiring actress who has the lead role in big play being putting on by the RADA, and that role is that of an escort. And yup...her acting role as an escort is very important to the story and Xander and Imani's beginnings!! And from the moment these two meet the sparks fly and the passion ensues, along with more offers that neither Xander nor Imani can refuses, causing their two worlds to continually collide and orbit each other. I absolutely love these two. Royal Playboy starts off right where London Soul (Lexi and Abbie's story), but is so much more. The Prologue to this book had my heart pounding and me screaming NOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Although this is a standalone, I highly recommend reading The London Royal Duet before starting this one. It will give you a more full reading experience, and who doesn't want to be wrapped up in this wonderful world with this wonderful characters that Nana Malone has skillfully crafted with her brilliant storytelling skills? Royal Playboy grabs its reader right from Page Go and does not let you go...especially not with the cliffhanger that Nana Malone leaves her readers with. AGGGH!!! We are hanging by the end of our strings waiting for Playboy Heart.What a ride the start to Xander and Imani's relationship!! I cannot wait for the conclusion to their story in Playboy Heart.
  • Captivating and Intriguing First Half

    By Izzibear
    I greatly enjoyed Xander and Imani’s story. The beginning had me going what the heck. It was emotional to say the least. The more I read I was pulled deeper into their story and was before long completely engrossed in it. It’s definitely one that was hard to put down. I kept telling myself just one more chapter and I’ll stop but I ended up reading it in one sitting. Their tale is well written with great twists. I loved the tension and banter between the two. Xander’s adoration for Imani is so beautiful. I honestly can’t wait for the next half of their story. I’m impatient to find out what happens.
  • Royally played

    By LisanneH
    Here’s my thoughts: Another well crafted read by Nana Malone. Xander is a player prince, a ruthless player until he meets Imani. Who knocks him for six and off his game. Recommend.
  • Secrets ...

    By charlligirl
    Wow, talk about holding a grudge. But considering the circumstances, I can't hold it against Xander. But I love how Imani provides stability for him. Even though he hasn't told her everything, she's there for him and doesn't hold anything against him. So many secrets are being kept by both of them, will they ever reveal them to each other? With an explosive beginning and a mysterious ending, book two can't come soon enough. What will happen? I'm looking forward to the reveals to come in book 2 and the conversations to be had between Xander and Imani.
  • Xander and Imani

    By B.E.15
    Imani and Xander are wonderful together.You get to know how they met and their backstory with Xander telling her the story when she is in a coma. Book ended with a major cliffhanger and can’t wait for the next one!
  • Must Read!

    By ceezee1
    OMG, I seriously cannot wait for Playboy’s Heart to come out. I’ve enjoyed all of Nana Malone’s books but there’s something about this one. It is definitely my favorite. Can’t put my finger on it-maybe it’s hunky Xander ;). February 25th can’t come soon enough!
  • Mr. Chase will see you now…..

    By JustNicole19
    Yeah I went there, because Xander Chase is everything to me…Sorry Lex! Xander is extremely sexy and he knows it, but some childhood trauma continues to haunt him. Imani is trying to take the world by storm, while still trying to take care of a home she left behind. I’m so glad these guys are apart the Royals squad! Xander and Imani together are fire and I guess I can share him with her….maybe…But that cliffhanger…Nana Malone why do you keep doing this to me???
  • Xander and Imani are perfect together

    By Fine pumpkin 511
    Hot dam Xander Chase is all man. He is the right amount of hard and soft. It takes a special guy to pull off part asshat and part sweet and still be love able. I have nothing but great feeling for Imani. She strong and the perfect lady to smooth out Xander’s rough edges. It was so enjoyable to reconnect with characters that I fell in love with a long time ago as well get a new twist to the retelling of their story. Like I said it’s been a while since I first met these too but it’s been long enough that was I thoroughly engulfed with the story. Uuuuug Nana I adore you but you know you keep us on the edge with these cliffhangers😜 I was so into that I didn’t realize that I was at the end already. What the hell. Hurry up February because I need more Xander and Imani. If this is your first Nana Malone book give yourself a treat and go and read as many as you can afford. Nana Malone, you are my book hero. Keep up the fantastic work Warrior Queen. Until next time y’all happy reading.
