Love Reality - Nana Malone

Love Reality

By Nana Malone

  • Release Date: 2015-03-02
  • Genre: Contemporary Romance
Score: 4.5
From 42 Ratings


A romantic who believes in love…

Walking love disaster, Mia Donovan, is a reality television production assistant by day, secret dating blogger, Lonely Girl, by night.  All she has to do to get the job of a lifetime is face her fears and step in front of the camera. Unfortunately that also means dating her nemesis, Single Guy, for the entire world to see.

A cynic giving love advice…

Reluctant, dating columnists, Ryan Matthews, otherwise known as Single Guy, thinks reality-dating shows are soul-sucking endeavors that have more to do with selling unrealistic expectations than love. But for a shot at writing serious stories, he’s willing to go undercover on Love Reality to do an exposé on the dating competition. What he doesn’t count on, is falling in love.


  • Super Fun Read

    By SeriouslyT
    I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review. When I first started reading this book I thought I had the whole story already mapped out, but little did I know I had no clue where it was heading. Two arch nemeses, secret lovers, a reality show, a crazy TV producer and a spunky best friend/co-worker... You can't go wrong! I loved every minute of it! This is the second book in the Donovan series and can I just say I love that family! The starlet of the book, Mia, is such a likable character. She's fierce on the outside with some hidden insecurities on the inside. Ryan is HOT and lost and in need of a girl just like Mia! The chemistry that these two have is steamy! I loved their story! There's an extra bonus, Mia's co-worker and dear friend Larissa is a hoot and had me laughing out loud. If your looking for a fun read this is a must!!! Loved it!!!
