Have Yourself a Sexy Lesbian Christmas - Giselle Renarde

Have Yourself a Sexy Lesbian Christmas

By Giselle Renarde

  • Release Date: 2014-12-08
  • Genre: Erotica


Is your holiday lacking lesbian cheer?

Have you been craving seasonal sensuality since your neighbours erected a ten-foot inflatable Santa? Then this is the mini-anthology for you!

What’s inside? Three fan favourites plus a brand new meet-cute holiday hotmance Giselle wrote exclusively for this lovely little collection. No more digging around under the tree, hoping to unwrap the woman of your dreams. She’s right here, in Have Yourself a Sexy Lesbian Christmas!

Contains: Sugar Bush, Full to Bursting, Traditional Inuit Throat-Singing and NEW BONUS STORY Love It or Love It!

Giselle Renarde’s erotic fiction has appeared in well over 100 anthologies, including prestigious collections like Best Lesbian Erotica, Best Lesbian Romance, Best Women’s Erotica, Girl Fever, and the Lambda Award-winning collection Wild Girls, Wild Nights.
