The Wolf & Lamb - Joslyn Chase

The Wolf & Lamb

By Joslyn Chase

  • Release Date: 2023-04-24
  • Genre: Women Sleuths


Jennet, a sheltered pastor's daughter, holds his hand as he passes from this world into the next. Orphaned and homeless, she goes to work in her uncle's Whitechapel pub in London. 1888.

Where an evil presence stalks the cobbled streets, a depraved soul known as Jack the Ripper. As Jennet pours the ale and wipes the tables at The Wolf & Lamb, her suspicion that The Ripper is among the regulars strengthens with each passing day.

But will her innocence be enough to save her when The Ripper chooses his next victim?

Drop into The Wolf & Lamb for a suspense-packed glimpse into one of history's most notorious unsolved mysteries.
