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  • ST Fan

    By Jaxgto
    I really disliked this book. Quite boring. The end is just a bunch of sweep it under the rug talk. The middle had some good action. The talk about a very advanced race but then never reveal anything interesting about them. Very disappointing read.
  • A worthwhile series coda.

    By Terilynn
    I've been a fan of the Vanguard series, and always knew that it would have to end. David Mack's treatment in the climactic last novel was a great exclamation point, but I was thrilled to find out that this e-novella was being written. I was not disappointed. Dayton Ward did a remarkable job in providing a few answers to some lingering questions, effectively using a flashback format from the viewpoint of James T. Kirk. I don't know exactly what it is, but no one quite writes Kirk as well as I think Ward does. He nails his character. While I'm sad to know this is the end of Vanguard, I'm very happy I got one more tidbit and it's with melancholy that I finished this piece. Which, I guess, is exactly the feeling the series end should have engendered.
