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  • This time tomorrow

    By Eva Palomares
    La relación padre e hija contada con un amor enorme, tranformado en una prosa fluida y poética que te hace enamorar de cada uno de sus personajes. Alice, Leonard, que maravilla de personas, no sólo de personajes, te encantaría cruzarte con ellos en un café y conversar por horas. Excelente libro.
  • Dull and boring

    By Ad0210
    I tried to like this book and it had potential but it was so dull and painfully boring to read.
  • Waste of Time travel premise

    By Chunyu tiying
    Less engaging version of the story seen in the film “About Time.”
  • Not horrible, but not great.

    By TMcJilton
    It takes a while for the story to get going, leaving me wondering what the book is actually about until about halfway through, but didn’t leave me feeling satisfied at the end.
  • Irresistible

    By Burn you money
    The concept of a pivotal day in your life that you could return to and change is irresistible. It leads to so much contemplation when you think about what that day may be, what you may be able to change, what changes will lead to something and what changes will change nothing.
  • Young Adult

    By Kaykel
    There were so many positive reviews of this book. It reads as a young adult novel wish it had been an adult book.
