Dare To Stay - Carly Phillips

Dare To Stay

By Carly Phillips

  • Release Date: 2021-01-26
  • Genre: Contemporary Romance
Score: 4.5
From 265 Ratings


He’s the one who left.
She’s the one he left behind.

Willow James, athletic trainer for the Miami Thunder football team, knows abandonment and hurt. A child of foster care, she’s been moved around and left behind more times than she cares to count. Just when she was starting to let her guard down with Braden Prescott, he left for a two year stint with Doctors Without Borders. Now he’s back.

Dr. Braden Prescott always felt like an outsider in his family of professional sports players. He’s traveled the world and is better for it, but now he’s home with a job for the Miami Thunder. When he comes face to face with the woman he left behind, their chemistry still smolders. She’ll give him her body again but not her heart.

He knows leaving her once was the biggest mistake of his life. Can Willow learn to trust him not to leave, especially when adventure comes calling again?


  • Turned the Last Page as a Happy Reader

    By Lnn20122
    Oh geez. Finally, we get Braden’s book. Dare to Stay is the fourth book in the Dare Nation series. You can enjoy it as a stand-alone, but I highly recommend reading the other books. It’s filled with such great characters and unique storylines; you won’t be sorry. Okay. Braden. Braden is the Prescott sibling that left two years ago to work with Doctors Without Borders. While his family was off being successful sports professionals and building a business to help those sports professionals, Dare Nation, he was out in another country providing medical care to the less fortunate. When his cousin Ian, the owner of the Miami Thunder NFL team, needs a head physician, he decides to come back home to fill the position. Coming back to family was the easy part. Coming back to see the woman he loved and left behind is the more challenging part. Willow is a Sports Therapist for the Miami Thunder and is taken off guard when she finds out her new colleague is her ex, who left her without an explanation. A man she loved and trusted but, like everyone else in her life, left in the end. After seeing Willow, Braden wants her back, but can he get beyond her walls to get him to trust him again? This book had me doing a happy sigh at the end. Braden and Willow had a lot to work through. Braden had to be honest with Willow about why he left, and Willow had to decide if he was worth taking a second chance on. They both became each other’s strengths and truths. While Braden’s slow and steady persistence won out, Willow didn’t make it easy for him. This story was set at a nice pace and had so many heartfelt moments. I turned the last page as a happy reader.
  • Second Chance at its best!

    By Crystal's Book World
    I completely fell for Braden and Willow and they became a fast a favorite! I have been following the Dare Nation series and Carly ends it right. The were a lot of obstacles these two had to go through. A lot of regrets, anger, denial, and underlying love. You knew these two were a match made. Dare to Stay will be shelved as a favorite and is a must read. I connected to these characters and hold them near and dear. #MustRead2021
  • Dare to Stay

    By Jen G F
    ARC for honest review with no compensation Received from BookSprout Dare to Stay is book 4 in the Dare Nation series by Carly Phillips and another steamy read! Up Next is Dr. Braden Prescott and Willow James, athletic trainer for the Miami Thunder football organization. These two have a history that ended on a sour note. Now two years later Braden comes back home after his stent with Doctors without Borders to be the head physician for the Miami Thunder football team and comes face-to-face with the woman he left behind…Willow James. Willow was devastated when Braden left her and now seeing him again she is determined not to give him her heart…but the chemistry still sizzles between them. Can Braden show Willow he has changed, can he gain her trust again and that he won’t up and leave like before? Can win her heart forever or will Willow’s past keep her from opening her heart? Only time will tell...
  • Loved it

    By PattiA810
    Amazing characters and a great second romance that I couldn’t put down. Carly Phillips never disappoints!
  • Fight for who you want

    By Newberryd
    The Dare Nation family continues to grow in love and members. I loved the strength and intelligence of both main characters, Willow and Braden, in this story. Electric chemistry and maturity provide the foundation for a trusting relationship between Willow and Braden. Thank you Carly Phillips, for your gift of storytelling that you share with your readers. I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
  • ***3.5 Stars ***

    By charlligirl
    I had a hard time with this book. I felt like Willow was insecure and needed to work on her self esteem before she should have gotten involved with anyone. If she was as secure in her personal life as she was in her professional life I would have liked her a whole lot more. I just could not understand how she could be so sure of herself as a trainer but so wishy washy as a woman. Now maybe that was the point of this story, but it bugged me. As for Braden, the man is a star. How is it he could love someone that is insecure? I feel like he has hero complex. He needs to save the day. For Aurora. For Willow. For Damon. For Hudson. Considering he just returned from Doctors Without Borders after being gone for two years, I would have liked to see more interaction with his family. The one thing I really liked was meeting Aurora and the potential for getting to know the Kingstons. I'm really hoping they will be a spinoff series.
  • Fun, easy read!

    By 12toot
    Another easy, fun read by Ms Phillips. Braden made a major mistake when trying to prove himself and his worth when leaving Willow to join Doctors Without Borders. He didn’t realize the impact that would have on his relationship with her. She has always felt that everyone leaves her so it’s hard to trust. Now, that Braden has returned to the States, he will have to work very hard to regain Willow’s trust. Will Willow believe in Braden and his feelings for her or continue mistrusting him?
  • Second Chances!

    By Evergreenbrdx
    Braden knew leaving Willow back then was a huge mistake. Now he is back to prove to her once and for all he is sticking and will do whatever necessary to prove his love for her. Willow after having a horrible youth will never place her trust in anyone but can she keep ignoring Braden?? I love how these two found each other again and worked to make them even stronger. I so am loving this series!!
  • Stay…Forever..

    By KellyMcClure
    Holy Hotness Batman! You have GOT to love a man on a mission and Braden Prescott is that man! He is home to claim the woman he loved and left, the family he didn’t know he missed and even a Super Bowl team won’t stop him. If you have read the earlier books about the Dare family, you know what kind of hero we are talking about. The Dare/Prescott men never leave any kind of question about their masculinity and their devotion to family and love. This is Braden and Willow’s story and reminds me why I always turn to Carly Phillips for a hot, happily ever after.
  • Great addition to another darenation

    By tree7404
    Braden and Willows story is a great 2nd chance romance that I loved. Seeing Braden showing Willow that he was staying and wanted to be with her was great. Seeing willow grow and learn to trust others was nice. Seeing them work together to help Aurora and then learn of her family. Is great to see what is coming for Carly Phillips in the future. Plus seeing the other Prescott’s and their spouses and catching up with Hudson. I loved this story and as always Carly Phillips did not disappoint and can’t wait for her next addiction.
