Just One Kiss - Carly Phillips

Just One Kiss

By Carly Phillips

  • Release Date: 2022-08-16
  • Genre: Contemporary Romance
Score: 4.5
From 392 Ratings


It was supposed to be one fun night of hot sex.

It turned into a second. Then a third.

Now Mother Nature is having the last word—with a secret baby surprise!

Jade Dare has done everything in her power to overcome her mother’s unstable influence. Changed her name. Became a success. Vowed never to risk passing on the potential for inherited pain. What has it gotten her? One fiancé who wanted her for money. A second who cheated on her with his brother’s wife.

Now she's sworn off men. Or at least off serious relationships. But when the chance to indulge in a one night stand with a man she’s secretly fantasized about arrives, she jumps in. Only to land heart-first into a case of the feels she can’t bring herself to trust.

Knox Sinclair always suspected he liked his brother’s fiancé a little too much, that’s why he kept his hands to himself. But with ties broken and Jade all too willing, a no-strings-attached night sounds like a damned good idea.

Except one night isn’t nearly enough. But while Knox is busy convincing Jade they have a chance at forever, the past is planning one last parting shot.


  • Surprise, surprise …

    By charlligirl
    This was an interesting story. Jade has had such bad luck with men. Knox's ex-wife cheated on him with his stepbrother. How much more twisted could things get? Oh wait. Let's not forget the surprise pregnancy. Yep you heard that right. Two people who started out only wanting a one night stand. Then Fate plays a nasty role in bringing them together. Along the way numerous things happen to force them into realizing how they really feel about each other. But will they be able to admit it to themselves and to each other? I'm really enjoying these Dirty Dares. I'll be honest and say I am jonesing for Ash's book. I need to know who will be able to tame him.
  • Loved It!

    By Evergreenbrdx
    Jade Dare is just done with men. Knox Sinclair wants to get to know Jade but her walls are up. Can Jade keep things casual? Once Knox decides no he now has to get Jade on board with his plan.
  • Fantastic couple

    By Cheryl33610
    I absolutely love the Kingston family series, especially when it crosses paths with the Dare family. Jade and Knox have some very interesting connections, and not in a fun way at all. I mean, how common is it to fall for the ex fiancé of your stepbrother…who cheated on her with your own wife? Messy, right? But so delicious. Jade is definitely attracted to Knox, but she no longer trusts her man radar, so she’s taking a break from the drama that dating brings. Knox isn’t looking for forever, either, but he’s drawn to Jade and is tired of fighting it. These two have chemistry to spare, so with a little help from his stepsister and her wedding plans, they’re thrown together often and that fire ignites to an inferno. This might just be my favorite pairing yet!
  • HEA Do Exist!

    By 12toot
    Nobody could blame Jade for being gun shy regarding relationships, from her mother’s mental issues, to one fiancé marrying for her money to another who cheated (with his stepbrother’s wife). Even though she was attracted to Knox (her ex-fiancé’s stepbrother), she wasn’t ready for a committed relationship with anyone (or so she thought). Knox had always been attracted to her but wouldn’t make a move due to Theo’s actions. But, when Jade considered a one night only commitment, Knox went for it and was hoping for it to continue. As with anything in life, plans change and for the better. In the end, happily ever after prevails!
  • Jade and Knox

    By Srosenthal
    This is the story about Jade Dare, we met her in the previous book as she is Nick Dare's sister. One highlight in this story is we get to see a bit more of Aurora and Nick and their adorable daughter in this book as they both are close with Jade. Jade is very much the bad luck in life, poor rich girl. She had a nightmare mother and she still haunts her and also some really bad romantic history. Her bad romantic history comes back to haunt her when she has to help plan a wedding with her exes' sister and her exes stepbrother. The stepbrother is Knox Sinclair, and he was the stepbrother to the ex that cheated on jade and also cheated with Knox's then wife who is now his ex. While planning the wedding Knox wants to get to know Jade but she is on a man fast, so he has to convince her to take a risk on him. This story has a suspense aspect and both exes complicate Jade and Knox's romance and made this story a real page turner. I received a complimentary early release e-book prior to release and am voluntarily leaving a review.
