Case study: How GAR promotes employee health, safety and wellbeing
As a leading global integrated palm oil plantation company, whose activities range from cultivating and harvesting oil palm trees and processing fresh fruit bunches into crude palm oil (CPO) to refining CPO into industrial and consumer products and merchandising palm products around the globe, creating a safer workplace for all employees is a key priority for GAR(Golden Agri-Resources Ltd).
GAR manages 167 oil palm estates, with a total area of 485,600 hectares. Promoting a healthy and safe working environment for 49,000 direct employees, 67,000 smallholders and 58,000 casual workers is, thus, a key priority. In order to promote employee health, safety and wellbeing GAR took action to:
• introduce a new Health and Safety policy
• offer employees access to healthcare
Using the GRI Standards in order to maintain and increase the value of your company
With each publication in this series the FBRH team will highlight one key impact identified by a company reporting in accordance with the GRI Standards and show how it has taken a structured, systematic approach to improving performance. With such positive action companies build trust, by dealing responsibly and conscientiously with their impact on the environment and on their stakeholders (e.g. clients, suppliers, shareholders, local communities, NGOs or local government). Stakeholders that can hold it back or stop it from reaching its objectives
By building trust your company creates loyalty and long-term commitment to its services and brands
New foreword by the Editor:
Why the GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards are not a box ticking exercise and how 80% of the world's 250 largest companies are using the GRI Standards to gain competitive advantage