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  • 😭♥️

    By Charynnnnnnnn434
    Loved everything about this book and how we finally get to experience Charlie's point of view. I never thought I would love a kid as much as I do in this book. Keith might just be one of my all time favorite characters in a book. A must read! ♥️
  • Charlie girl

    By Samantha S!
    Strangers and Words! I love Charlie girl <3 So sad that the Thatch Series is ending, but this story ended beautifully!
  • Bittersweet and Beautiful!!

    By AudiobooksAndSweetTea
    Is there ever anything less than a 5 star review to give to the uberly talented Queen of Ugly Cries? I mean, seriously. She's amazing. And this book. This amazing in every gut wrenching, laughable, heart achingly way book is just as awesometastic as Molly McAdams. That's why this review will short, sweet and to the point. Read it. Read it now. But, only if you have read books 1 & 2 in this Thatch Series. It's the bittersweet ending to the series and to get the full breathtaking, heart aching effect you need to read all three books. Charlie Girl and Deacon will sweep you off your feet in this amazing love story. Keith will steal your heart and Jagger.....well, Jagger is simply Jagger. Charlie and Deacon come head to head and the sparks that fly are instantly felt by the reader and you laugh with them, cry with them, cheer for them and at the end......well, at the end, you're cursing Ms. McAdams for another job well done, but a terrible feeling becomes you when you realize that this is it. This is the end of the series and you won't get to see Keith grow up, or Graham get his HEA. Then you're on your knees begging....oh wait. This is still my review. No need to go into deets of what I actually was going to do when the book ended! :-) Anyway, this bittersweet ending was amazing and you must get it now. Go forth and become a Molly fan if you aren't already one. Go forth and add to collection if you are one! Just go. Go get this book now! Ms. McAdams' 5 million star worthy book will have you neglecting your kids, your work, your home. What are you waiting for? Go show the world #HowYouMolly and buy this book up now! Fantabulous job, Molly! Bravo, my lady!
  • Beautiful read!!

    By Michell C
    Where do I even begin? I don't know that my words will do Molly McAdams any justice!! Molly has a way with tearing you to pieces and then putting you back together word for word. This book is no different than any other. She will have you ugly crying, screaming at her in your head, sighing and swooning within seconds. And she will have you walking away with at piece with it all. I absolutely loved everything about this book from the storyline to the characters created!! You will feel heartache to the very core. The chemistry is off the charts and will leave butterflies in your stomach and chills down your spine. I don't want to give anything away with my review, so all I'm going to say is this is a MUST READ!! You thought you loved Deacon before, that your heart broke for Charlie in the previous book it doesn't even compare. This book is told in the POV of both Deacon and Charlie and can be read as a standalone but I highly recommend you read the other book as they all kind off tie together.
