Fate Book - Mimi Jean Pamfiloff

Fate Book

By Mimi Jean Pamfiloff

  • Release Date: 2013-08-19
  • Genre: New Adult Romance
Score: 4.5
From 97 Ratings


Dakota Dane is about to tell a lie she’ll wish she hadn’t.  Because her lie is dangerous, sexy, and just showed up on campus, angry as hell and looking for her... 

Ugly duckling Dakota Dane has a new boyfriend. He’s male-model gorgeous, built to perfection, wealthy, and smart. He is also a lie. As in, 100% fabricated. Does it matter that Dakota has a perfectly good reason for making him up? Not really. Not when Dakota’s made-up boyfriend shows up in the flesh.

So is she crazy? All signs point to maybe. But the walking, talking enigma with the deadly vibe isn’t about to give her any answers or let her out of his sight. And with college just around the corner, Dakota fears her dreams of a bright future have just collided with a dark rabbit hole…


  • It was okay

    By kathyesf
    Overall an okay read, sweet with some mystery and twists. I have to say that Dakota's personality was a bit hard for me to take she was so hot and cold while the overall plan and hope was for the two of them to get together there was really no chemistry build up. The relationship was playful enough to make it somewhat believable. Quick sweet read.
  • The Fate Book

    By Grandma PNR
    Very very good romance. Like the different story line and characters. Had mystery,drama,humors and romance. Can't Wait until Dec. to see what's next. Really enjoyed this book.
  • Fantastic

    By Blove1620
    Really good. Enjoyed it a lot
