Her Last Chance - Toni Anderson

Her Last Chance

By Toni Anderson

  • Release Date: 2013-12-23
  • Genre: Romantic Suspense
Score: 4.5
From 165 Ratings


A woman being hunted. The agent she betrayed. One chance to save her life.

Somewhere deep in her bones, Josephine Maxwell always knew he’d come back—the attacker who once left her for dead. All those years ago, he created the bold, smart-mouthed survivor she grew up to be. Now he’s back to destroy her.

Even as she fights tooth and nail, one regret nags at her mind. It’s shaped like a tall, handsome FBI agent whom she couldn’t allow past the twisted-barbed-wire defenses strung by her past trauma.

Despite the betrayal that ended things between them, Special Agent-in-Charge Marshall Hayes can’t get Josie out of his mind. Her waif-like figure, big blue eyes, Titanic attitude problem—he hasn’t looked at another woman since.

When Josie’s past comes crashing back into her life, Marsh doesn’t give her a choice about letting him help her. Because he was born and bred to protect. And to catch a serial killer and keep Josie safe, he’ll break every rule—and risk losing his heart all over again.


Finalist in the 2014 Daphne du Maurier Award of Excellence in Romantic Suspense.


  • Fast read!

    By oldbballwife
    I had to read this sequel to Her Sanctuary. The story was very exciting! It held my interest and kept me guessing until the end. I will definitely read more of Toni Anderson's books.
  • LOVED this book..

    By Cynthia0o
    You know you meet secondary characters in a book and they are so powerful that they almost over take that book and leave you really wanting their story. The author gave us that with this book and it was everything I’d hoped it be and more. We met Marsh and Josie in Her Sanctuary (which I recommend reading before this one) and were left with huge unfinished business between these two. Both characters are so fascinating that you’re just drawn to them. Josie Maxwell is a woman that has been through things that would have broken most women. She survived being carved up by a killer known as the Blade Hunter when she was small child. During this time her mother also left her and her father emotionally abused her until she ended up with a foster mother who showed her more love than she’d ever known in her life. She’s a bit of a chameleon with her emotions and in what she allows others to see. Now the Blade Hunter is back and is promising to finish what he started 18 years ago. Marshall Hayes is a fairly straight and narrow FBI agent even though in the previous book he took some liberties with the law to make sure the heroine in that book stayed alive. This made him cross paths with Josie who is her best friend and during one night that was a combination of betrayal and also something else he realizes that Josie is probably the woman for him but his devotion to his job that stems from a tragedy in his own life made it impossible to see a future with her. When the Blade Hunter makes an attempt on Josie’s life Marsh no longer stands on the sidelines. He will do everything within his power to protect Josie even if she wants nothing to do with him. This book consisted of two mysteries that are weaved through the story along with the romance between Marsh and Josie. The killer was written with such brutality and obvious sickness that you were on the edge of your seat wondering what he was going to do next and who this person was that had a 18 year reign of killing women. From the opening scene I was turning the pages totally entranced in the story. I’ve loved all this authors books but at this moment this has to be my favorite.
