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  • Unbelievable Ending

    By Lilhop
    This book is so well progressed, the ending really make your heart hurt. You get insight on a lot more Arcana in this book also. It’s amazing, I can’t wait to finish the series!
  • Wonderful storytelling

    By just52me07
    Can’t wait to read more!
  • Best One Yet!

    By Jasmyn9
    So we have fully entered the realm of the love triangle, which I normally hate. But, this one is different. There's a respect that grows between all parties (even Evie) that makes this seem less like childish indecision or the desire to pit two people against each other. Much of that is Evie's history and attitude. The Empress wants Death - Evie wants Jack. But since the Empress is Evie, well, she's got a decision to make. And....just so you know.....she does. But I'm not telling and I never would have guessed at how it all turned out!!! Leading up to this, we get a really good look at some new-ish Arcana. We've briefly met a couple of them, but we get to see what makes them tick, and we get to see them as people instead of just powerful cards. Relationships are formed, trust made and broken. And we finally get to really meet The Lovers. My favorite bad guy(s) so far. The Lovers seem extremely powerful and just as crazy. But it's through the journey to defeat them that Jack and Death come to an agreement and respect for each other. A very exciting addition to the story with one hell of a cliffhanger!!! Oh my goodness, it nearly killed me.
  • When did this story become Twilight FanFic??

    By BookFan40
    Am I the only one that saw the near identical story line between Eclipse and this? Exchange Bella/Edward/Jacob with Cole's characters and it's distractingly similar. And the ending?? Didn't this already happen in the last book?? Disappointed.
  • Loved it!

    By Brandisilverleaf
    Kresley is the most genius writer in history (along with Tolkien of course)! I have obsessed over every book I've read of hers. The Immortals After Dark series is my all time favorite and The Arcana Chronicles is right there. As an adult, I'm embarrassed to admit how in love I am with Death! This was the best in the series so far. I finished it in a day and could immediately have reread it. I hate love triangles, because I get invested in all the characters and want each to have their happy ending. Even though this one ended on a low point, I have high hopes for the next.
  • i won’t survive till the next book

    By traveler79
    This series - and most especially this particular book - has ruined my life for the next year until the next one comes out. I read the final chapter on the subway on the way home from work and almost threw my phone (that i was reading it on because i couldn’t wait) when i read the last paragraph. I’m pretty sure it is devolving my vocabulary to semi coherent phrases like “what the bleep…” or “I just can’t even right now” or worse - “my brain is literally melting”. Fantastic series. Something new, a wildly interesting story line. Classic triangle but with such an amazing twist, massively interesting character development. Hugely suspenseful writing. Stop your life immediately and buy. And then write many letters to the author and publishing company to make the next one COME OUT SOONER.
  • More please!!!

    By swtxmimi
    I fell in love with Kresley's immortals after dark collection... But now she's brought the world of tarot cards to life!!! You creative, clever genius! Love you Kresley! But please, please release the next book soon! I think I have pre-ordered about 8 of your books to date and each time it kills me to wait... Hands down, haven't been sucked into a series for a while and this one is good!!!
  • Most Awesome Love Triangle Adventure

    By natweiztoo
    The best series! Usually the heroine has to choose between the good guy or the bad guy but what do you do when two "bad" guys love you enough to want to be better men?! Love Evie story! Can't wait for the next book.
  • Dead of Winter

    By Yosmaks
    Read it in one day.... Could not put it down! LOVED IT!!!!!!! Wish I could read the next one now! Fantastic! Thank-You Kresley!
  • Disappointed!

    By Nyxieluv
    I reread the series to refresh my memory, expecting to go right into the next book, but when I tried to buy Dead of Winter, it tells me that it's being modified and won't let me buy it. Any one know when the modifications will be done?
