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    By dlda04jcja
    Loved the story. Well written. Don't be too intimidated with the sex scenes. It all goes with these two strong characters.
  • Eh

    By KellyG198
    It wasn't a horrible story. Can't complain since it was free. It was typical & predictable. The thing that bothered me most were the errors. Missing words and several times the author used the wrong name for a character. Like saying Carrie's name for Ray's girlfriend even though he was dating Gina....twice in one small section. Kind of inexcusable & unforgivable in my view for an author to use the wrong character name.
  • Too Wilde To Tame

    By Lizasarusrex
    It's no secret, Mia is a wild and crazy partier. Her reputation isn't fabricated, because she will do about anything when she's out at the bar, intoxicated or not. She knows Cameron doesn't approve because he has a thing for her, but she flirts with danger by continuing her wild ways. Despite her reputation, Cameron can't shake his feelings for Mia. It only increases when Mia comes to Cameron for help when she becomes a victim of a very personal attack. Photos of Mia during her crazy partying are leaked to her, and she goes to Cameron, as he is a private investigator. Is Cameron able to tame the wild girl and open her eyes to the damage she's done to her reputation? I thought this book wasn't half bad, it had a descent storyline and was easy to read in a sitting. I would rate it at a 4/5.
  • <3 it

    By Raven1333
    Awesome book can't wait to read the rest of the series!
