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  • Standup Guy

    By boots saddle
    Another great mystery story from Woods. Good plots and intrigue. Stone Barrington rides again!!
  • La o

    By Alexatorres.01
  • Standup Guy

    By nickname5452316
    Excellent read. Action, twists and stimulating
  • Poorly written

    By Bubba751
    I've enjoyed the Stone Barrington series of books by Stuart Woods. I am greatly disappointed with this one though. The plot is very thin, the story very unbelievable, and the ending anticlimactic. I question if this was actually written by Stuart a Woods. I hope the next book release gets back on track.
  • Great, as always

    By Mackey S.
    You never fail to deliver! Love it, couldn't put it down. Looking forward to the next one.
  • Stand up guy

    By Bjwk2
    Have read every one of his books, but this was like a John Patterson novel-- I need cash let's write a quickie. Not worth the time or money
  • Just okay

    By LumpyCT
    First, I'm a huge fan of the author and wished he'd write more books. This book didn't have the usual flare that we've come to expect from the Stone Barrington series. I was disappointed after reading it. While Stuart keeps his books to 60-ish chapters and 320 pages, I thought this book could have been half of the final product. His usual flare has the reader in suspense and wanting to know what's next. This book doesn't have that at all, frankly I wanted to put the book down. This book was a lemon compared to the gems he usually writes. I hope the Stone Barrington series will have more about Herb, Peter, Holly, CIA, politics, and murder going forward. A staple theme in the series. I just hope the next book goes back to the usual themes we've come to expect from the series.
  • Standup Guy

    By Kgrnxz12
    Mediocre at best. I agree seems like Stuart just wants the paycheck these days.
  • Time to sit, Stand Up Guy

    By Dr. McD
    Of all the Stone Barrington capers, this one was the least fulfilling or satisfying. Stone finds himself chasing a lost fortune, the origin of which he himself is uncertain, "hypothetically"speaking. However, a new client appears to be keeping it just beyond his reach while ironically following Stone's own counsel. The client is part of a subplot from which the reader is excluded only to reappear at the story's conclusion. Meanwhile Barrington's snobby attitude and never ending good fortune are enough to hold the reader long enough to realize the caper's partially concluded ending. A pending sequel perhaps? Like all of the SB capers, this one has plenty of the sexual double standards and male ego appeal to keep things rolling. But even Stone's character would start to find his own appeal too boring to bed 3 different wannabe society dames. Is Holly really still attracted to this guy and unable to find something more exciting through her CIA contacts?
  • Excellent Classic Stone Barrington!

    By Glacierw12
    Fast paced, sexy, literate. If you are not a Stone fan, you will be!
