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  • Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. Hyde

    By Dogsfriend5
    I loved the action and the idea of splitting one’s good from their evil. I only wish it ended differently!
  • Dr. Jekyll, you’re not yourself today...

    By ES the horror fan
    Looks like I’m the first person to write a review for this edition of the classic horror story, which is unfortunate, only because I’ve never read this edition. I suppose it doesn’t matter because many people who read this review are simply looking for a recommendation. They want to know whether or not this is a good book. There’s one simple way that I can solve that problem for you, one thing I can say: There is a reason why this book is a classic! It’s just a great story! Yes, it’s a book with a moral about drug abuse and addiction, but beyond that, it’s simply a chilling tale of the conflict between good and evil, focusing on the struggle of a doctor who is, quite literally, a supernatural split personality. The edition of the book that I read was an adaptation of the story, not Robert Louis Stevenson’s original classic, but I guess that’s okay. After all, when these books are adapted and abridged for modern readers, including children, they’re usually adapted by authors whose only intention is to tell the story as faithfully as possible, while also attempting to tell it well and, at the same time, keep it accessible to today’s readers, particularly children, in the case of the book I read. Fans of classic stories, especially horror stories, will love The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, a creepy mystery that keeps the chills coming with every turn of the page!
