Gospel Zero - Andrew Farley & John Lynch

Gospel Zero

By Andrew Farley & John Lynch

  • Release Date: 2025-03-18
  • Genre: Christianity


Prepare for an electrifying jolt with Gospel Zero: A Radical Plan to Reset Christianity by Andrew Farley and John Lynch.

This book is a rebellious rallying cry against the mundane and mediocre that have hijacked true faith. Farley and Lynch take on the voice of God’s modern-day messengers to dispatch fiery letters to the Church of today, calling for a revolution back to the radical grace of God.

With biting wit and unapologetic candor, Gospel Zero takes a sledgehammer to the idols of legalism and lifeless religion. The authors argue with the fervor of the ancient apostles yet speak directly to the 21st-century believer, calling us to awaken from our doctrinal drowsiness and rediscover the untamed Gospel of grace.

This book will infuriate and inspire, provoke and empower. It’s packed with challenges that dare you to rethink everything you thought you knew about Christianity. Whether you are a disillusioned churchgoer, a seeker of truth, or somewhere in between, Farley and Lynch offer a transformative vision of what Christianity could and should be.

Buckle up for a wild ride through the pages of Gospel Zero. It’s time to peel away the suffocating layers of religiosity and unveil a Gospel that truly dazzles and transforms.
