Cold Fury - Toni Anderson

Cold Fury

By Toni Anderson

  • Release Date: 2024-05-13
  • Genre: Romantic Suspense
Score: 4.5
From 90 Ratings


An escaped serial killer is looking for revenge in this new Romantic Thriller from New York Times bestselling author Toni Anderson.

Seven years ago, Hope Harper was a star defense attorney with a great life and a beautiful family—until she got the wrong defendant released, and he turned around and viciously slaughtered her husband and child. Since then, the only thing Hope cares about is locking bad guys behind bars where they can’t hurt anyone else. When the killer escapes from a maximum security prison during a winter storm, Hope refuses to run and hide.

The FBI’s Hostage Rescue Team is called in to protect the handful of public figures the notorious serial killer threatened. Operator Aaron Nash draws the short straw—he’ll be heading up Assistant District Attorney Hope Harper’s close protection detail. 

Much to Aaron’s frustration, the cool blonde refuses to go into protective custody. As the hours and days wear on, Aaron and Hope manage a fragile truce. He begins to understand and admire the tenacious prosecutor, and the two of them begin to work together.

As the escaped serial killer’s rampage spins on, Hope knows it’s just a matter of time until he comes for her. Except something’s changed. For the first time since losing her family, she has something to live for. But is history doomed to repeat itself?


  • Cold Fury

    By mgilbert10
    This was a very good book! It was a hard subject with a kid and husband being murdered but I liked the plot with Hope being a Lawyer, and the HRT protecting her.
  • Cold Fury

    By lucy6524
    Toni Anderson’s book are next level. I wanted to think that Brendan was an awful person but was completely stunned with his actions. Excellent writing.
  • Exciting Thriller

    By Lynda.Custer
    A nail biting thriller! There is nothing scarier than an escaped killer with a score to settle or is there? Cold Fury from the Cold Justice-Most Wanted series provides intense hours of reading. Toni Anderson again has written another exciting novel filled with twists and turns, suspense and romance. Cold Fury is another great book by an author who never disappoints the reader.
  • Cold Fury

    By ewhite2003
    What a captivating plot, the emotions, the characters were so real. Couldn't turn pages fast enough to know the ending. Well written and I recommend Given arc for my voluntary review
  • Excellent!

    By ledoss
    I literally read this book in short bites, I did not want it to end. So much happening here and not just between Hope and Aaron. I could feel the betrayal, from the beginning, one I knew, one was obvious but the third was a bit of a surprise. Grab this newest thriller by one of my top “whodunnit” authors, you do not want to miss this one.
  • Loved it

    By Cntrygirlz
    Seven years ago, Hope was a defense attorney, who got a man accused of being a serial killer, released. She arrives at home to find her husband barely alive and her daughter dead. She is devasted and gets the man sent to prison. Now she is the assistant district attorney and sends the bad guys to prison. She opens her door one day and a whole crew of Hostage Rescue agents are on her doorstep. Apparently the man sent to prison for killing her family has escaped. So it’s either bodyguards or protective custody. Noah is the leader of the HRT and takes his job seriously. He heads up her protection team and can tell she’s going to be trouble. But as the days wear on, they come to a fragile alliance and work with each other. Hope is surprised when she starts having feelings for Noah and does her best to push him away. When the past might just repeat itself, Hope realizes she may get a second chance for a happily ever after. Excellent story with characters you love. Sex. Action. Will bring a tear to your eye. Hope is a ball buster and doesn’t take anything from anyone. Noah is a protector and doesn’t believe he is in the same league as Hope. Sparks fly. Voluntarily read and reviewed for the author *
  • WOW! Book hangover is a real thing…

    By Contessajj
    It was nearly impossible to even go to bed once I started this book. So enthralled it was like watching a movie or even better like I was in the story. I thought the character of Alex Parker couldn’t be beaten but Aaron Nash stole my heart, the combination of physical looks, intelligence, and intuitiveness made him irresistible. And for all of her cold as ice facade Hope proved just as vulnerable as the rest of us. The will they or won’t they is tantalizing. As the plot thickened the twists blew my mind and kept me on the edge of my seat, riveted. Loved this book!
