The Spy - Nana Malone

The Spy

By Nana Malone

  • Release Date: 2023-05-23
  • Genre: Contemporary Romance
Score: 4.5
From 58 Ratings


Okay look, we all deserve one great nemesis in this world, maybe two. Hell, my sister stays in my top spot. But is it too much to ask that my best friend’s big brother, NOT be one of them?
Bonus points, he’s also my boss.
The Rogues Division is a top-secret, highly-classified, “I’d tell you but I’d have to kill you” kind of organization. The kind of organization the government pretends not to love having at its disposal. And Gabe Webb sits at the top of this badassery mountain.
I’ve finally gotten control-freak, too serious Gabe to respect me after six long years of his scowling and brooding at me with the occasional growl thrown in. 
But when I get assigned a deep cover operation as a billionaire asset’s pretend girlfriend, suddenly Gabe doesn’t trust me to manage the assignment on my own and goes so far as to assign himself as my handler.
That’s right. Every breath I take, every move I make, he’ll be watching and judging, and…coaching me on how to seduce and work an asset.
That’s right…I said SEDUCE! I should probably mention that past me, who wasn’t too bright, might have had a thing for Gabe. Not that he ever noticed.
Can I suffer Gabe’s seduction lessons, work the asset for intel and oh, keep my sister out of trouble? Absolutely. No problem. Can I do it without murdering above stated nemesis? That remains to be seen.

Other Books in the Series:
The Heir
The King
The Saint
The Rook
The Spy
The Villain


  • The Spy who knows everything, but nothing about love!

    By broken_heart
    Good things come to those who are able to wait patiently. From the first Rouge novel, I have been intrigued by one Mr. Gabriel Webb. Gabe is the ridiculously handsome head of the Rouges Division. He is the man who protects everyone from the evils in the world… So much so that the only person who has ever been close enough to know if he has a heart is his sister Saffron. There is probably only one person in the world who wants to know the answer to that is Saffron’s best friend Tabatha Smith. Just like Gabe, Tabatha is full of surprises and secrets as well. With so many secrets and dangers between the two of them, will Tabatha and Gabe survive long enough to see if there is anything beyond an over protective brother and his desire to protect his sister’s best friend? As with the other books in the Rouge Universe, this is a standalone book. How, just like real life, it is better when you have friends. So it definitely helps to have read the whole series. Tabatha and Gabe are amazing! It is also always a pleasure when Ms. Malone sprinkles characters from her other universes in her stories. It makes it all feel more robust and adds a depth not usually seen in the world of romance novels. I can’t wait to see what is next to come with The Villain!
  • Fantastic characters

    By Dee5258
    The author has captivated me once again in this fantastic spy world. The characters have been playing in the background of the previous books and have finally gotten their chance to shine and do they ever sparkle. I loved this book from the opening scene right till the end. Great emotions, wonderful drama and fascinating characters. Great storytelling. I can’t wait to read more.
  • Explosive

    By charlligirl
    So far this series has kept me on my toes. I will admit I missed book 3 (The Rook) and need to really read that one but it in no way hinders your ability to enjoy this book. Each one is a standalone. I will admit I was a little surprised at how strong Gabe feels towards Tabatha. I didn’t think he had much emotion besides frustration, control freak and deep rooted anger. So it was a nice change of pace to see a softer side of him. Yes he still had those other emotions but he also showed tenderness and vulnerability. Tabs is playing with fire. She has family issues, she’s impetuous and she wants to show Gabe what he’s missing (aka a bit of a flirt). Oh and she’s lethal. These two are explosive together in more ways than one. Let’s just hope they are both standing by the end of the book.
  • The tension snaps!

    By AbadWallflower
    The starchy hero gets ruffled by a butterfly in “The Spy” by Nana Malone!! Finally!! We get yummy Gabe’s story with the fiery Tabitha. We have waited until book four for their mouths to be used for more than verbal sparring against each other. Their chemistry is fire!! What is stronger than desire? It is longing, so the tension has been overdue to snap!! If you enjoy books with close proximity, forbidden romance, found family, grumpy-sunshine couple, office romance, sacrifice, spies, and strong female characters to name a few, then I highly recommend this book! Thank you to Valentine PR and Nana Malone for the ARC in exchange for a honest review.
  • How do you have a regular relationship in an irregular life?

    By asildroffops
    This is the story of the Monarch and the Spy, or Tabitha and Gabe. Each has harbored an attraction for the other, but due to their jobs, they viewed a relationship as impossible. Gabe is Ops Command for the Rogues, and Tabitha is a Rogues Agent. The Rogues is a ultra top secret intelligence agency connected to the British Government that can go in to do the missions with which the Government cannot be associated. As Ops Command, Gabe holds all the secrets and makes all the command decisions. He has to interact with “Oversight” and pass along orders to his team. Tabitha is a skilled, spunky agent who has been under Gabe’s skin for a long time. Everything changes for both of them when Tabitha kisses Gabe for cover during a mission. Apparently that is the catalyst for each of them being no longer able to stay away. Tabitha is assigned her first field assignment going undercover to entice a possible asset and Gabe assigns himself as her handler. The story unfolds as the two fight their attraction while also dealing with a mission that never seems quite right. I really love this author. She writes romantic suspense books with emotion, humor, and boy are they hot! Every book I have read has a woman of color as the heroine. This one is extremely spicy. The couple’s chemistry is explosive, and the emotion behind it is palpable. The characters each have strengths and plenty of flaws, making them well-rounded, somewhat believable human beings, I say somewhat because it is hard for me to imagine spies with deadly skills in various methods of fighting as regular people. The challenge for this couple is how to have a regular relationship within an irregular life, and can that happen when one person is required to keep secrets from his partner? You should definitely pick up a copy of The Spy to find out. It will be well worth your time. Thanks to Valentine PR, I am voluntarily submitting this independent review after reading an advanced complementary copy of this book.
  • Gabe and Tabatha

    By B.E.15
    It’s finally their turn. They have denied their attraction for so long and finally they can’t deny it anymore! Fantastic read.
  • Loved it!

    By Sandialys
    I love this series. I was so happy to read Gabe’s and Tab’s story. I love their chemistry, they are so good together. They make me laugh and cry. I can’t wait to read the next book in this series.
  • Worth the wait

    By Fine pumpkin 511
    Finally! We all have waited from the beginning to have Gabe and Tabitha’s story told. It was exactly what I knew it would be. A heart pounding, suspenseful roller coaster with hot sex which made for a delicious story. Well done Nana, the queen of romantic suspense. Until next time y’all happy reading.
