Paradise Regained - John Milton

Paradise Regained

By John Milton

  • Release Date: 1671-01-01
  • Genre: Poetry
Score: 4.5
From 29 Ratings


Following the fall of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden in Milton's "Paradise Lost", Milton turns his attention to the temptation of Jesus in the wilderness by Satan in "Paradise Regained". In this work, a sequel to "Paradise Lost", Satan tests Jesus in a similar way to Eve in the Garden of Eden. However, Jesus is not seduced by the promises of Satan and passes his test. "Paradise Regained" is a poetic and intriguing tale that follows along in the spirit of Milton's masterpiece "Paradise Lost".


  • Paradise Regained

    By suchaflirt
    A well written sequel to the former, Paradise Lost, but slightly inaccurate in the idea of retrieval of paradise. An epic battle of the wits between the two most powerful enemies in the universe, good and evil in the flesh. The problem? No climax or resolution. The Son of Man regains paradise for mankind in his ultimate sacrifice, death. Overcoming Satan's first temptations simply was a proving ground for the Christ. Jesus followed through with his intention by dying on the cross, not by out thinking Lucifer's slick tongue. The book needed 30 to 40 more pages to complete the great story and put the cherry on the powerful sequel.
