Perelandra - C. S. Lewis


By C. S. Lewis

  • Release Date: 2012-04-03
  • Genre: Religious Fiction
Score: 4.5
From 119 Ratings


Just as readers have been transfixed by the stories, characters, and deeper meanings of Lewis's timeless tales in The Chronicles of Narnia, most find this same allure in his classic Space Trilogy. In these fantasy stories for adults, we encounter, once again, magical creatures, a world of wonders, epic battles, and revelations of transcendent truths.

Perelandra, the second novel in Lewis's science fiction trilogy, tells of Dr. Ransom's voyage to the paradise planet of Perelandra, or Venus, which turns out to be a beautiful Eden-like world. He is horrified to find that his old enemy, Dr. Weston, has also arrived and is putting him in grave peril once more. As the mad Weston's body is taken over by the forces of evil, Ransom engages in a desperate struggle to save the innocence of Perelandra!


  • Ransom’s Adventure Continues!

    By [DeadlyLlama]
    A simply exquisite work of fiction which leaves you breathless at C.S. Lewis’ skill in creating such imaginative stories laden with truth.
  • Lewis shows us how to wonder

    By dr. jtr
    In this second book of the trilogy Lewis really hits his stride. Perelandra is an inspiring place to be, and Lewis stretches our imagination to see what a sinless world might mean. At the end you realize he isn’t creating another world, he’s introducing us to the wonder of the great story of earth with its apex in Christ.
  • Good Book To Read!

    By Aaronlee22
    One of the best books, I’ve read in a long time and I have enjoyed it. They should make the space trilogy into movies, like they did with Chronicles of Narnia. Two of my friends named Stephen Frendl and Mark Frendl are huge fans of CS Lewis books. They read all the Chronicles of Narnia and Space Trilogy books.
  • amazing

    By jm456
    this book helped me understand why man would fall from grace in the first place. why would adam and eve want to rebel against God when they should have had everything they needed pre-fall? lewis will help you understand why.
  • Beautifully Composed

    By Caeesborg
    One of the most beautiful books I've ever read. Not a relaxing book to fall asleep to or simply read for casual purposes. Much theology and philosophy integrated throughout its pages. Highly recommend it to anybody!
  • One of the best

    By geargrinder
    This is one of the most memorable books I have ever read. Lewis creates a world you will never want to leave.
