DEPUTY DADDY - Charlotte Maclay


By Charlotte Maclay

  • Release Date: 2011-07-15
  • Genre: Contemporary Romance


She was alone, pregnant and couldn't remember a thing!

Found wandering on the beach with a huge bump on her head, Marla's only reality was her impending motherhood—and the man who'd rescued her. Strong, generous and to-die-for, Johnny Fuentes was any woman's ideal mate—so who else could he be, but her husband?

Police Cheif Johnny Fuentes was in deep trobule. On doctor's orders, he would pretend he was Marla'a husband until her memories returned. But living as man and wife, with the birth of her child imminent, Johnny suddenly wanted the sham marriage to be a real one. But how could he claim this woman when the truth about her was still a mystery?
