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  • Awesome

    By Bandit3d
    This book nailed the feel of the movies perfectly. From the introduction featuring a gigantic spaceship to the twist ending. Reaves did a phenomenal job with dialogue and with his style, which was reverent when describing Jedi action and gritty when dealing with the Star Wars galaxy's underbelly. The character of I5YQ is probably his biggest coup. The only downfall I could find was a lack of physical description of the characters that we don't already know. Otherwise, this blows the others I have read to smithereens! Way to go Mike Reaves!
  • Action packed but not great

    By ryan123450
    I read this one some time ago, and I remember it being very action packed, but I can't recall much about the story. It must not have left too much of an impression on me. If you've read Darth Plagueis then you will come across a point in the book where Darth Maul goes on a mission to destroy Black Sun. This is the complete story of that mission. Very action packed and a was probably a very good tie in novel at the time Episode I came out to give people more Darth Maul. Now years later it doesn't add too much to the Star Wars mythos.
  • Epic!

    By iRoswell
    This is how Darth Maul should have been portrayed in the Phantom Menace!!!! From beginning to end, this is an awesome read. The action and fight sequences are some of the best I have ever read. Awesome book!
  • You know the ending.

    By Boredwiththisbook
    Title tells you. Why does the author use words you have to look up? They do not add to the story and is a waste of time.
  • Awsome

    By Moomoonbear
    Laugh out loud great
