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  • Born of Shadow

    By Cherry Reyna
    Love it!!!!!! Can't wait for the next book.
  • Great!!!!

    By mirsha
    i loved the old story but obviously this is much better!!! their friends are awsome...can't wait to read their stories!!!!
  • Wonderful

    By Düdemanthüg
    Just like the previous League novels I couldn't put it down. The Dagen story line may be my favorite. Can't wait for the next one in the series!
  • Couldn't put it down

    By 3590abs
    I love all of Sherrilyns' books. This one is up there among my favorites. I read it in 1 day. I just couldn't put it down. Loved it.
  • Great Read -Couldn't Put It Down

    By Chicago Cowgirl
    This is the fourth book in the League series and it just might be my favorite. This is great sic-fi depicting a fantastic universe inhibited by some of the most interesting beings to be put to paper. There is a lot of action, political intrigue, and witty dialogue. The main theme of this book is family, those you are born into and those you make. The other theme is survival, what people have to do to survive and who you want at your back while trying. Although the hero Caillen feels all he has is bad luck he is the King of Survivors. When it looks like his luck as finally run out his life and fortunes are completely reversed. It is that reversal of fortunes and his survival skills that brings him into contact with Desideria a naive but fierce warrior princess whose position in the line of succession puts her in the Leagues crosshairs. There is not a lot of actual sex but a lot of funny commentary regarding it. Characters from the previous books make welcome appearances. I actually put this book down to go to bed but it wouldn't let me sleep so I got up and finished it. Obviously I recommend this book as well as the other League books. Book four can be read stand-alone however your enjoyment is greatly enhanced if you at least read book three, Born of Fire. Enjoy!
  • Ok

    By Power90
    Not like the other league books, this has way to much detail over little things and it goes on and on, kind of a waste compared to the other league books, I would not read this book twice.
