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  • Lucy by the Sea

    By RSue729
    It didn’t hold my attention like Strouts other books have. I still enjoyed reading it but the flow was different.
  • Forgottrn

    By Imoknow
    I feel the effects of the pandemic every day. I did not remember the lock down and my feelings at the time. This book reminded me of the foreboding. I hope it never happens again, but I’m afraid it will.
  • My friend, Lucy.

    By Ila31
    Strout’s conversational tone draws the reader into her mind so completely that you feel like her character’s most trusted confidante. There is no doubt that the novel reflects many Americans’ fears, frustrations, and loneliness during the dark days of the pandemic, yet Lucy makes it through tough times, and so did we all. “Better, not bitter.”
  • Letting Go

    By Fofefes
    of security during the pandemic, of a dead second husband, as a mother of two adult daughters, and as a woman entering old age is a theme of Lucy by the Sea. This story felt so real I found it heart wrenching at times, particularly when Lucy, who wants so much to understand her loved ones, acknowledges the gaps in her understanding. A beautiful, sad, wise book.
  • Lucy by the Sea

    By Lisagyll
    While I liked the story itself, I was not particularly fond of the style of writing. It felt like I was reading a YA novel.
  • Lucy by theSea

    By kentla1026
    This is me and all the things I have thought about put into words. It will be you, too. From the first day that we learned about lockdown, through the isolation, through the horrible murder of George Floyd, getting a vaccine, and witnessing the attack on the capitol, this story is each of us. The pandemic overturned everything. I went from a middle aged woman to an old woman. My grandchildren became adults. That’s not all. This book is about love and letting go. It’s about reflection and acceptance. And motherhood. A must read!
  • Beautiful

    By carocross
    Strict’s writing is excellent. Recommend highly.
  • Disappointing

    By devoted wordsmith
    Not worth the money to read about the author’s take on COVID and other current events of 2020.
  • Beautifully done

    By Sual Write
    We’ve all had it up to our eyeballs and beyond with pandemic life - this perspective by one of my favorite characters is delightfully whimsical, funny, touching… This is a tale of love, accountability, reconciliation, new beginnings and respecting boundaries (6 feet and beyond).
  • Lucy by the Sea

    By NC774
    Boring …… !
