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  • Great Conclusion to the Duet

    By Fi_larbi
    This book begins nine months after the last ended. Iker is back from deployment, realizing that time and distance did nothing to diminish his feelings for Langley. It just made him realize how badly he screwed up. Luckily, he has his brother Gael in his corner. Langley has spent the last nine months trying to piece her broken heart back together and is shocked when Iker returns asking for forgiveness and another chance. Despite her misgivings Iker wears he down with sweet gestures and she agrees to give him a second chance. However, time is their enemy again. As a couple their chemistry is still off the charts, but they have learnt from their mistakes and you see them grow as they learn to communicate and compromise through the good times and the struggles to ultimately get the HEA. This a great conclusion to the duet. Well written, easy to read, steamy, and you will get pulled into their life/struggles. Highly recommended.
