A call to christian commitment - Raphael Awoseyin

A call to christian commitment

By Raphael Awoseyin

  • Release Date: 2017-01-30
  • Genre: Bible Studies


Apostle Paul, while on his second missionary journey to encourage the churches in Asia Minor, had met Timothy – already a Christian, at Lystra, and had taken him along on this journey (see Acts 16:1-3). It seems Timothy’s grandmother Lois and mother Eunice had embraced the gospel during Paul’s first visit to Lystra, and Timothy himself had come to know Christ through them (see Acts 14:21, 2 Timothy 1:5). From joining Paul on this mission, Timothy submitted himself to tutelage under Paul as a son in the faith. Timothy developed spiritually under Paul, eventually becoming the first bishop of Ephesus.

The statement “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners” sets the Christian faith apart from all other faiths. First, it affirms that there are sinners to be saved – and those sinners comprise every human being – see Romans 3:23. Then it affirms that the purpose of Jesus coming into the world is to save these sinners – not just to “teach us how to be better people” or even “show us a good example” as political leaders, humanists, and religious people would like to commend to the world, especially in ceremonial speeches. Just as it was important for Timothy to hold fast to this truth, so it is for every Christian today


Raphael Awoseyin
