Joke's On You - Lani Lynn Vale

Joke's On You

By Lani Lynn Vale

  • Release Date: 2020-06-09
  • Genre: Romance
Score: 4.5
From 136 Ratings


Booth Pena definitely didn’t make the smartest of decisions when he was a teenager.

At eighteen, he knocked a girl up and signed up for the military all in the same day—signing his life away in more ways than one. Fast forward six weeks and he’s in bootcamp learning that he’s going to be a father while also learning that not only is he going to be deployed, but it’s going to stay that way for a year.

There weren’t a lot of things that the baby’s mother and he saw eye to eye on after that. He honestly wasn’t sure why he even slept with her in the first place.

Okay, that last part is a lie. He knows exactly why he slept with her. Because the real woman he’s in love with, her twin sister, Dillan, won’t give him the time of day.

Five years later, and he still wants her.

Now he’s home for good, being the best father and police officer that he can be, and still he’s not good enough.


Dillan Davidsdottir hated Booth Pena. Immensely.

She hated him because he slept with her sister, then left. Granted, she knew that he hadn’t meant to leave like he did, unknowingly and unconsciously leaving his daughter behind, but that didn’t change the fact that he had.

Five years later, and she still dislikes him just as much now as she did when he chose the wrong sister to take to his bed.

Maybe if he’d chosen her, her heart wouldn’t be broken, and his wouldn’t be untouchable.

But when a SWAT officer sees his life flash before his eyes, and decides that enough is enough, what’s a girl to do?

Give in, that’s what.


  • Jokes on Us

    By Gunnifer Jenning
    I am throughly impressed with how LLV was able to not only write about 2 sets of twins who intertwine their lives together, but fit such quality of character content into “Jokes On You” I will never judge any of her books by the table of contents because of Booth & Dillion’s story. With obstacles, judgements and just life in general their love story finally connected and would stay for the long haul. Heart warming to steamy, innocent to hilarious and suspenseful all in one. Impressive!
  • Jokes on you

    By beyhyhgg
    It was a great story line flowed very well. I read everything from this author I love how I can catch up with old and new characters.
  • One half of the couple we’ve been waiting for!

    By Samantha B. Sokol
    One half of the couple we’ve been waiting for! After getting the premise of this story (and the next) from the previous books, I couldn’t wait to see how things panned out after the mess of a situation between these sets of twins. Booth has always had feelings for Dillan, but somehow ended up in bed with her twin sister and that resulted in a child, linking them together forever. Dillan has always had feelings for Booth, but after he has a child with her sister, she’s resulted herself to never being with him. But after Booth returns from the service, he has finally decided to go after her, especially with the understanding that her sister is in love with his brother. As their relationship starts, they start to dig into what really happened all those years ago and realize that it has to do with Dillan’s father and her friend, and the more they find out the crazier the story becomes. I was on the edge of my seat reading and finding out along with Booth and Dillan what really happened and my mind was blown! In the end, the climactic situation was as epic as I anticipated, and Booth does everything in his power to save Dillan. I loved every aspect of this book, and I cannot wait to see what happens between the Bourne and Delaine! I voluntarily read and reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.
  • Review: SWAT Generation 2.0 #6: Joke’s On You

    By LisaHines711
    Joke's on You by Lani Lynn Vale is the sixth book in her latest series, SWAT Generation 2.0 . Continuing with the stars of the SWAT Calendar shoot, meet the month of June - also known as Booth Pena. A dedicated father who has overcome some rocky issues and is putting his best foot forward despite the fact that he has a child with the twin sister of the woman he's been head over heels for since her first laid eyes on her in grade school. Dillan Davidsdottir has loved and hated Booth equally since the night he got her twin sister pregnant. But five years later the hate has lessened and the love is still there, unrequited, unannounced and ready to burst. A story that is hot and steamy and handles the complications of these two sets of twins, Booth & Bourne and Dillan & Delanie, the complications their relationship could cause and the fact that despite the intervention of some really sinister and twisted people, true love and fate prevails. Loved It. Devoured it! Enjoy!
  • Love Love Love this one! Elizabeth @ Carolina Chic's Read

    By easwain
    Love Love Love this one! Elizabeth @ Carolina Chic's Read Booth Pena has an interesting situation with the woman he loves. She hates him. She is also the sister of the mother of his son. One night when they both believed they were with the one they wanted and the morning after seeing their mistake. You see... Booth also has an identical twin. So many things unfold and they all realize they are victims and they should have their happy. This story was complex and heart warming! Five Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
