The Boyfriend Collector, Two - Mimi Jean Pamfiloff

The Boyfriend Collector, Two

By Mimi Jean Pamfiloff

  • Release Date: 2019-08-16
  • Genre: New Adult Romance
Score: 4.5
From 43 Ratings


From New York Times Bestseller Mimi Jean Pamfiloff comes the STEAMY Part Two and conclusion of The Boyfriend Collector.

My name is Dr. Bex Hughes, and I’m in love with a woman who cannot truly love me back. Unless I help her as my patient, and that is forbidden—a taboo in the eyes of the world and the worst professional sin for a therapist.

But what else can I do? Rose was once a real-life Cinderella. Now she’s wealthy, single, and free. Except she’s convinced that love is used to hurt people, family tries to murder you for money, and no one can be trusted. It’s all she’s ever known.

So I’m bending every rule I’ve ever lived by and helping her find her way to real happiness. Only, my self-control wears thin as I hear the details of Rose’s dating adventures. Can I prove I will love her unconditionally before my jealousy shatters her trust in me forever?

(Part 2 of 2)


  • The Boyfriend Collector #! & #2

    By Diana “Gigi"
    Beautiful story. The crazy characters, the back and forth love story and the unpredictable. After reading the first book I just had to read the second. I won’t ruin the ending for those you haven’t read it yet but I’ll say, I loved it. Thank you Mimi Jean Pamfiloff.
  • Fabulous page turner!!

    By I'm not really going
    This book picks up where book one left off. Rose finds herself in need of marrying one of a list of men who are considered highly eligible in order to save her inheritance from her horrible family. She is seeing a therapist, Dr. Bex Hughes, to try to deal with all that she has been through. She has already declared her feelings for him and been turned down so she decides that she will continue dating different men to try to find Mr. Right. Somehow, she always ends up right back at Bex. Does he love her, does he just want to rescue her, does even he know how he feels. Rose finds some very interesting characters to date while her grandparents and the man who tried to kill her in book one wait in jail. When Bex finds out that her grandparents are being released and that Rose is probably in danger again, he comes up with a plan. Will the plan work to keep Rose safe? Will the plan end Rose's boyfriend collecting? Will Rose find the love she deserves? Follow the twists and turns of this page turner and find out for yourself!
