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  • Not Up To Par

    By juliusa
    I agree with another viewer, poor formatting. Wide margins, narrow reading area. Beyond that this was just boring. First 200 pages not bad, last 150 good, all in between filler garbage. Was there a contract to write a huge book? Cromwell was basically an evil and somewhat twisted man, and this attempt to make excuses for him just doesn’t work. Also, back to saying this like “ he,Cromwell” so you know who is speaking or doing what. Annoying! I am disappointed and have to advise you to pass.
  • Typos, and bad margins on Apple

    By is1this1nickname1also1taken
    I’m only a short way in, after devouring the first two when they arrived. For ten years I’ve read the first two on my phone whenever I need to pass the time. This new book, which I preordered after waiting for years, is nearly unreadable on my phone. The margins are so wide that combined they take up as much total width as the words. It’s awful. Wondering whether there’s a way to read this in the kindle app? Otherwise I suppose I’ll need to purchase again in another format. Do not buy this on iBooks. Also, I’m only a short way in and discovered two typos already.
