The Nightshade's Touch - Pippa DaCosta

The Nightshade's Touch

By Pippa DaCosta

  • Release Date: 2019-05-13
  • Genre: Paranormal Fantasy
Score: 4.5
From 19 Ratings


Be careful which star you wish upon... 

The unseelie—banished by Oberon long ago—are stirring awake, and there's one name on their poisoned lips: Nightshade.

Kesh is beginning to settle into her role as Halow's messenger, saving people from the fae with the help of Kellee, Talen, Arran and Sota, but if she has any hope of making her wrongs right, she must trust those around her. Without them, there is no Messenger. Friends, lovers, more. But one has a secret. A secret so dark it threatens to change everything Kesh believes in. A secret that could change the fate of Faerie, Halow, and all of humanity. 

When the fae abandoned the stars long-ago, they left behind more than fairytales. 

They left behind their monsters. 


The fae-in-space "mind-blowing" bestselling series continues in The Nightshade's Touch, Messenger Chronicles #3

Reader note: The Messenger Series is professionally edited and proofread for your reading enjoyment.


  • Revelations

    By math wizard
    This is not a five star book but a ten star book! The story made me think a lot and therefore I took some breaks. Now how to tell you this is an awesome book without giving anything away and spoiling the story! You will get a lot of information about the characters but some of it was expected and others were surprises! Kesh, Talen, Kellee and Arran are working together to bring about change. The story is full of action, romance and even humor! Plot twists , a lot and some were surprises! Oberon wants the wraithmaker back. He sends out a guardian to bring Kesh back. Is there unusual surprises, oh yeah. So expect to be surprised and I expect you will be looking for the next book, Prince of Dreams, I am!
