The Boyfriend Collector - Mimi Jean Pamfiloff

The Boyfriend Collector

By Mimi Jean Pamfiloff

  • Release Date: 2018-12-18
  • Genre: New Adult Romance
Score: 4
From 130 Ratings


From New York Times Bestseller Mimi Jean Pamfiloff comes The Boyfriend Collector.


Treated like a servant in my own home, I can’t stop dreaming of my twenty-first birthday. It’s the day I’ll inherit a fortune, break free from my cruel family, and finally start living my life—finish school, travel, find love. After a lifetime of hardship, it’s all I’ve ever wanted.

Sadly, I’m about to discover a shocking secret my family’s been keeping from me. I must marry before my birthday to claim the money. Worst of all, he must be approved by my grandparents—the same people who are trying to steal my inheritance.

It’s ugly. But there’s no time for tears. If I want my fairy-tale to come true, I’ll have to find a man I can love and trust. Unfortunately, that’s easier said than done.

(Part One of Two)


  • a fun, entertaining read

    By Anna (Anna’s Bookshelf)
    The Boyfriend Collector is a fun take on a Cinderella story that has an interesting cast of characters and a few little twists and turns guaranteed to keep you entertained until the very end. Rose Hale is the daughter of a famous romance novelist who died during childbirth. A unique will stipulation requires the young Rose to marry by her 21st birthday so that she will have access to her inheritance. However, things are not so easy. Throw in an evil set of greedy, manipulative grandparents and a series of questionable dates and you have a recipe for not exactly disaster, but well yes, disaster. I loved Rose. Given her horrible upbringing, you couldn’t help but be in awe of her positive attitude and sweet nature. She’s a bit naive (and also a bit wary) when it comes to dating and that is part of what made this book so entertaining. Bex is Rose’s therapist who has a process. A process that cannot be deviated from. He is dedicated towards giving his clients the tools they need to be their own hero and it was endearing to watch him struggle with his rigidness and maintaining that professional boundary between him and Rose. The book has it humorous moments as well as some moments of suspense. It moves at a good pace and has an intriguing storyline. The various potential suitors were entertaining. This book does end in a cliffhanger. I received The Boyfriend Collector for free and look forward to the 2nd book, the conclusion to this duet.
  • Amazingly different!

    By I'm not really going
    If you are a fan of Mimi Jean' s books and are expecting red hot men and lots of sex like the Accidentally, King, and Mermen series then this book is not for you. If you are looking for sweet romance and happily ever after like the Happy Pants and even the Fugly series, take a pass as well. No vampire or librarians either. However, if you want to read a what seems to me like a modern Cinderella story, you have to read this new series. Rose Hale, heiress to the fortune left to her by her late author mother, has been raised by her grandparents. She is told that she will inherit the fortune on her twenty first birthday. She has spent her childhood doing without, cleaning and scrubbing alongside servants who never last long. Right before her birthday, she finds her mother's real will and discovers that she must marry and equally share her inheritance by her her birthday. She sets out to find someone she thinks she can spend the rest of her life with. Her "fairy godfather" is her therapist, who tries to lead her through the horrible truths about her life, her speed dating, and finding a life of her own. Could he be her Prince Charming? We will have to wait and see while she carries on collecting boyfriends!
  • Truly thought provoking! Loved it!

    By Cali Jewel
    Danger, betrayal, uncertainty and truly unique coming of age journey. This book has it all and then so much more.... What is Rose supposed to do when she finally realizes that the people she trusted her entire life have betrayed her in the worst possible way all in the name of money...... This emotionally thrilling, sexy fun and witty adventure is a must read for all!
  • The Boyfriend Collector

    By Crazy mom3
    Why am I surprised? I mean I have read enough of Mimi's to know better. But as usual she knocks it out of the park!
