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  • These books have sparked my interest in reading

    By Powerplants110
    I can’t convey the appreciation I have for John and these stories he’s created. I’m not much of a reader but I can’t seem to turn from my screen once I’ve opened these books. I hope you continue to create stories and I hope more people will support your efforts.
  • Space Rogues 3, The Behemoth Job

    By loveballssucks
    Loved it as much as the first two. Good story, amazing characters! Lots of funny dialog. Fun pop culture earth reference. Two thumbs way up.
  • Another excellent book in the series

    By MarkisLandis
    A very good imagination coming from a human writer. The book follows the adventures of the first human to leave his solar system. An excellent read and I look forward to reading the next book!
  • 3rd home run!

    By the original huggybear
    Reminds me of Frederik Pohl’s classic series The Heechee Chronicles..... Outstanding! A great SyFy read, can’t wait for more in the series!!!!!
  • It was a Hoot!

    By Jes2Cool
    Impressive tale. This is the third part of some pretty addictive reading. A bit of Guardians of the Galaxy, a bit of Star Trek, a bit of this and that, all blended into an entertaining plot. Underlying it all, a sense of love and respect for fellow beings, both large and round, big or small, green or metallic. A fun feel good novel that’d make into a great movie some day. And to the author: You threw me. I expected Cynthia would take over the Cartel and go legit, turning into Will’s on and off again flame. I’m looking forward to Part 4, just to see how this new dynamic works out.
  • It was apply named.

    By Lew 101
    Enjoyed the book, especially the human sayings that I grew up with and still hear them today, the crew does live up to the title of toques. I liked a little humor,
