Mess Me Up - Lani Lynn Vale

Mess Me Up

By Lani Lynn Vale

  • Release Date: 2018-09-04
  • Genre: Romance
Score: 4.5
From 183 Ratings


When Rome Pierce moved to Bear Bottom, Texas, it was his intention to lay low. To not be seen. To find a way to heal his body and soul—as well as his son’s.

Nobody would know by looking at him that he used to play professional football. Not with the Bear Bottom MC cut covering his back, and definitely not with his friendly smile completely obliterated.

No longer is there charm in each smooth word that comes out of his mouth. What’s left is an angry, bitter, scared man that’s terrified one day he’s going to wake up and his entire world is going to be gone.

Nobody knows what drove him to leave the game he loved—nobody but her.

She’s the one person that has helped him make it through the dark days and even darker nights. She’s the bright and shining star in his pitch-black sky.

And he doesn’t even know her name.

He should be afraid that she knows things that not anyone—not even his best friend—knows.

Yet, with each encounter, he gives what little bit of his soul remains, and before he knows it only two people on this earth—one dying, and one too afraid to live—make his life worth living.

Until one day he has to choose—the love of his life, or the life he brought into this world.

Two impossible situations. One decision that would change him forever.


  • Must read

    By I want this book
    This story is so heartbreaking. That it can hit home to many people. And then seeing there is light down a dark path. This is a crying story for sure. But you fall in love with the story. And that is what lani does. Makes you want to keep reading the stories and never want to put the story down.
  • Mess me up

    By KCLong07
    Cute book, super hard to read about the kiddo. Can’t wait to read the rest of the books.
  • LLV does it AGAIN

    By Nikkia1103
    This is an amazing book! Izzy’s strength was the perfect match to Rome’s vulnerability. This book will give you all the feels in a very short time. It’s a roller-coaster ride but one you don’t want to miss. LLV just keeps getting better & better!
  • Mess me up-it did!

    By gagal88
    Anytime LLV releases new material, it becomes my life’s mission to absorb it in one sitting. Rome & Izzy’s story has been the only exception. I couldn’t make it through the book in a single day because I have never shed so many tears...from sharing the horrible sorrow to sharing their joy. This has become my all time favorite. It walks you through true heartache and still leaves you with hope in every page. Izzy’s commitment to this man was breathtaking . It was an honor to have walked through the journey outlined in these pages and 5 stars does no justice...ABSOLUTELY a MUST read.
  • Mess me up

    By Hitler 65
    Lani Lynn Vale has an amazing talent! She makes you feel like you are apart of the family when you are reading her books. You will laugh out loud and ball like a baby!
  • Emotionally Happy!!

    By Mariely!
    This book was amazing!!!! Lani broke my heart and put it back together with this book! I love all her books. Every single one is a must read!!!!
  • Absolutely Love!

    By 1212TD
    First off, I have read every book that LLV has written and though I love them all, I can honestly say this one is by far my favorite. The story is heart wrenching and literally pulls you in from the beginning. Rome and Isadora are two people that have already been through so much. The loss of a child is one of the hardest things to go through, it’s soul shattering. I don’t want to give anything away, as a warning, please make sure you have your tissues ready because you will need them!!
  • Outstanding Read

    By JimAshleySue
    Lani will literally rip your heart out with this story. I cried like a baby. Had a hard time sleeping because I couldn’t wait to get up and finish the book this morning before work. One of her best yet.
