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  • Novella of a Young Woman’s Dream of Going to Mars

    By Prairie_Dog
    “Prime Meridian” is a novella by Silvia Moreno-Garcia about a young woman who dreams of going to Mars. Amelia lives in a near-future Mexico City, where she has struggled to overcome her circumstances and gain the education, finances, and skills needed to emigrate to Mars. Unfortunately, she has not succeeded. Her mother’s health declined while she was in college studying Botany, and she had to leave school to care for her. After her death, she lives in and apartment with her sister and her sisters children. She works in the gig-economy as real jobs are almost impossible to find. She barely keeps her head above water, but she doesn’t completely give up on her dream. This novella is set in a gritty but all too believable world, that seems like a logical extension of our present circumstances. It should be noted that while Mars is Amelia’s dream, this narrative takes place entirely on earth. It’s an interesting character-driven story, and Amelia is an all too human but sympathetic protagonist. I found the ending hopeful and positive. Definitely recommended!
