Bad Boss - Complete Series - Brooke Page

Bad Boss - Complete Series

By Brooke Page

  • Release Date: 2017-08-23
  • Genre: Contemporary Romance
Score: 4
From 235 Ratings


Cocky, arrogant, and dropped dead gorgeous: That described my boss, Mr. Craft, to a T. His thick hair, cold blue eyes and strong jaw held power in a conference meeting, causing women to melt in his presence. I’ve wanted to confront him on his stubborn attitude and critical demands for employees. I’d bitten my tongue in many scenarios and held in my true feelings over a dozen times. Keeping the peace was necessary until I had enough experience under my belt to move onto bigger and better things.

The only problem was; Craft Marketing was the bigger and better, and the longer I stuck it out with him, meant more opportunities would arise.

I’d been the only female intern to land a job directly under him, and was also the only one who hadn’t slept with him. I knew he was promiscuous with the tall and leggy blondes that breezed into his office looking immaculate, then scurried back out with mussed hair, flushed cheeks, and unbuttoned blouses.

I'd ignore the magnetic pull of chemistry and curiosity between us.

Unless it came to my advantage.

This is the Complete Bad Boss Series by Brooke Page.


  • It’s not a series

    By sgnoodle
    It’s not series when book one is on page 5 and 55 pages later is book two reading on my iPhone, so fonts will be different that others). They’re super long chapters not books of a series. This needs to be edited again. Sriracha is not saracha. Au Hi tuna is Ahi Tuna. There are more words in a sentence that need to be removed. While this is HEA book, it’s super short and straight to the point. It’s like other book’s storylines.
  • Bad Boss

    By Crazy not lazy
    It started out “not very good” but as the book went on it got better. It ended up being very cute and interesting!
  • Bad Boss

    By reddysl0
    Awful. Had to force myself to finish. Author hasn't heard of proof reading. So many mistakes I felt like a teacher grading an essay. Don't waste your money...
  • Harassment

    By JJavidreader
    Trying to move up the company ladder but stuck as a personal assistant, Kelsey has to control her temper towards her boss Mr. Kraft. Little does she know that his attitude is because he wants her. Can she fend off his moves once he tries? Will he finally give in and fess up? Read the books to find out.
  • Bad Boss

    By bad cougar
    Excellent beginning. I couldn’t put it down wanted to know what was next kept me in the edge of my seat.
  • Bad Boss- Complete Series, Brooke Page

    By tmb1128
    Good book!
  • Bad boss

    By Sherm2009
    O he is very bad in a good way! Great series
  • Bad boss

    By cece1053
    Great book. Loved it!
  • Great book

    By Net87
    I enjoyed reading these books. The fantasy was one women can see themselves having all the times. Can't wait to read more books by Brooke Page!
  • Short and Sweet

    By Book💗
    The book was funny, to the point and entertaining, great for a weekend reading, highly recommended!
