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  • Hold Back The Dark

    By Picqeene
    This series is always amazing. It’s not easy for me to stick with a book all the way through but this series always captivates.
  • Horrible

    By Shell1126
    This could possibly be the worst book I have ever read. Don’t waste your money.
  • Hold Back The Dark

    By OscarTod3
    Awesome. Loved it. Well written and explanatory. Love the characters.
  • irsillicacher, from Camano Island,WA

    By Sillicacher
    Great book. Agree it could be a short story instead of a full on book. HOWEVER I disagree with the reviews as I see the ending is left open for a build up to future adventures by the team. You are left wondering how they did some things, but that is part of the story. I believe the events will be discussed in the next book as some the new players join the SCU. All I can say is this book is a stepping stone to bigger adventures for this expanding and ever growing talented unit! Can’t wait for th next book! Five stars form me! Nice job, Kay!
  • BIG Disappointment!

    By Rock F
    Sorry but totally lacking in so many ways. Will definitely real ALL reviews before buying any more in this series. Such a let down from her earlier books in this series.
  • Hold Back the Dark

    By gina12754
    This should have been more of a short story rather than a full-blown novel. For one thing, it's too short to be a novel, and the ending was rather abrupt and jarring. I wasn't "pulled in" like I was with many of the other novels in this series and was very disappointed with the brevity. I also think the price was pretty exorbitant, considering, and am thinking about forgoing purchasing any future novels from this source.
  • Review

    By eyespecialize
    Very disappointing, anticlimactic to say the least, I’ve been waiting ( pre ordered) and for not much! I hope the next one in your series peeks the interest of those who follow you, I’ll wait for the reviews before I spend the $ again! Thanks
  • Thumbs way down

    By bittersweetsmm
    Worst book in the series so far. Leads you to believe it will tell you about the characters and completely leaves you wanting! Sorry I even bought it.
  • Sadly disappointed

    By Kwinck
    I was so looking forward to this next book in the trilogy. I've become a fan of the Bishop/SCU series over the years and have cultivated a love for the characters Kaye has developed. Unfortunately I feel like the author spends so much time writing redundantly to catch the reader up that it has affected the story itself. I felt like the story had more potential and I was left feeling like it was thrown together and then just ended. I hope that the next book brings my endearment back to the series.
  • Hold Back the Dark

    By Hannah2014RIP
    Great book with a wonderful introduction to some brilliant new characters
