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  • GOOD

  • More misses than hits

    By Mad gamer0489
    This book is a collection of short stories retelling the events of Star Wars A New Hope, but all from the view points of people who were standing around the events when they happened. You get a story about that stormtrooper who waved obi wan and Luke through in Mos Esley. You read a poem by palpatine when he learns of the death of obi wan. Ever want to hear about what the person in charge of maintaining the x wings that attacked the Death Star was thinking while it happened? Well, that’s there. While some of the stories were interesting, many were misses. Some just seemed out of character, a few were nearly unreadable, like the one told entirely from a Mouse Droids perspective. The good ones though are really good, for example, all of the ones around and after the Death Star attack. It was a fun and quick read.
  • Fun...at times.

    By FracturedKoi
    While most of the stories presented here are great fun and really shine a new light on things, others are...well, not good. Thankfully, it’s more good than bad. And, when it’s good, it’s great! But when it’s bad...oh heavens it’s bad. Chuck Wendig’s insistence on creating gay characters just for the sakes of them being gay, that awful Boba Fett story, and the entirely unnecessary of “Of MSE-6 and Men” (skip it, don’t scar your mind by reading that garbage) make me wonder if Disney even bothered to read some of the stories before approving them for print.
  • Okay

    By iRoswell
    Well, I was really excited about this book. I love short stories, and I really love Star Wars, so it shouldn't be a leap for me to love these, right? Wrong. The largest issue is repetition. So many shorts focusing on the same five minutes of movie time. I love the idea, but it would have been better if it were a "Journey To The Last Jedi" instead of focusing only on A New Hop. I understand the point. This is to celebrate forty years since A New Hope, but they really could have reduced this from forty shorts to twenty and it would have been better. Also, Chuck Wendig is my least favorite of the new writers for Star Wars. I started his short, without looking at the name, and I thought it sucked. When I looked at the name, I sighed. Please stop using him. One star for Star Wars, one star for some really good shorts, and one star to be nice.
  • From a certain point of view

    By Kudubuck
    Please read this before you buy this book. Don’t. Save the money and I will send you my collection of “Tales From...”. They are all so much better. These short stories are insipid in general and just plain stupid as a whole. For the love of god (pick yours) there is rap/poem from Palpatine. Wil Wheaton writes a gem about a widower on Yavin who makes the seemingly wise choice to send his loving infant to another planet for safety. Wow you can’t even guess can you what planet that will be!! I am so sorry I read all these stories.
  • Taking 2 stars off and guess why...

    By theknightshift
    One bad apple spoils the entire basket. In this case what would otherwise be an exceptional tome of Star Wars storytelling is blighted magnificently by an overdose of social justice political agenda courtship of.. you guessed it... Chuck Wendig. By far the WORST Star Wars author in the history of anything and his lack of polity and decorum on his personal blog alone should disqualify him from in any way contributing canon to a family-friendly saga. Otherwise, I liked From A Certain Point Of View. But, Disney should be mindful. Shoving a PC agenda into the public's face is beginning to take a massive toll on the entertainment industry. Witness the plummeting of the NFL. Americans don't need football if the players and ESPN won't stop insulting them. Americans don't need Star Wars either if its authors are determined to honk off most of the core audience.
