Craig & Fred - Craig Grossi

Craig & Fred

By Craig Grossi

  • Release Date: 2017-10-31
  • Genre: Biographies & Memoirs
Score: 4.5
From 211 Ratings


The uplifting and unforgettable true story of a US Marine, the stray dog he met on an Afghan battlefield, and how they saved each other and now travel America together, "spreading the message of stubborn positivity."

In 2010, Sergeant Craig Grossi was doing intelligence work for Marine RECON—the most elite fighters in the Corps—in a remote part of Afghanistan. While on patrol, he spotted a young dog "with a big goofy head and little legs" who didn’t seem vicious or run in a pack like most strays they’d encountered. After eating a piece of beef jerky Craig offered—against military regulations—the dog began to follow him. "Looks like you made a friend," another Marine yelled. Grossi heard, "Looks like a 'Fred.'" The name stuck, and a beautiful, life-changing friendship was forged.

Fred not only stole Craig’s heart; he won over the RECON fighters, who helped Craig smuggle the dog into heavily fortified Camp Leatherneck in a duffel bag—risking jail and Fred’s life. With the help of a crew of DHL workers, a sympathetic vet, and a military dog handler, Fred eventually made it to Craig’s family in Virginia.

Months later, when Craig returned to the U.S., it was Fred’s turn to save the wounded Marine from Post-Traumatic Stress. Today, Craig and Fred are touching lives nationwide, from a swampy campground in a Louisiana State Park to the streets of Portland, Oregon, and everywhere in between.

A poignant and inspiring tale of hope, resilience, and optimism, with a timeless message at its heart—"it is not what happens to us that matters, but how we respond to it"—Craig & Fred is a shining example of the power of love to transform our hearts and our lives.


  • Great reading!

    By Hofjugs
    Loved this book! Kept my interest the whole way through. The fact that it was a true story about serving time in Afghanistan, and of course the dog, made it so interesting. I highly recommend it!
  • My feelings

    By Sid 47
    A truly heart warming story.
  • Craig & Fred - Read This Book - It’s Absolutely Fantastic!

    By enj0yl!f3
    In my opinion, this is a book well worth reading! For those who love animals, you soon learn the love you show to your animal friend is returned to you in abundance. This is the story of Craig and Fred who developed a bond so strong in Afghanistan that it fortifies them both through war and life. It is a true love story, who’s lessons can apply to today’s world of social unrest between various peoples. The writing style is very effective in defusing the emotional heaviness of war with the positive powerfulness of life. Thank you, Craig, for bringing this story to the world at large and helping us to somewhat understand the needs of returning veterans. P.S. Here’s a virtual salute to “Sergeant” Fred!
  • Craig and Fred

    By Ralphnun1
    Beautifully written Craig and I’m so proud of all you have done. My two brothers served together in Vietnam and I cannot imagine what it must be like. God bless!!!
  • Good feel good story

    By book worm 101
    I read this book in two days. I just love it. Craig and Fred are survivors.
  • Craig & Fred

    By twila janet
    Wonderfully engrossing!
  • Outstanding!!

    By Arty5
    This is the greatest dog rescue story I’ve ever read! If I could rate it a 10 stars, I would. Fascinating story for anyone to read. Military supporters and animal lovers will love this story! Great work Craig!! Fred you are awesome!!
  • Craig and Fred

    By Dnflyer
    As a civilian with no military experience, the only hope I have of understanding even a little bit about PTSD is hearing about each individual’s experiences, or at least the ones that they are willing to share with another person, group, or in a this case, the world. As a dog lover, and supporter of service dogs for veterans challenged both physically and mentally, this book shines a bright light on just how critically important these animals are in assisting those needing help greeting each day. That Craig was blessed to meet and befriend a fully capable service dog (no training required...good boy!) in the dust of Afghanistan makes for a compelling tale of friendship and unconditional love, not only between man and dog, but also among the soldiers and friends that populate this excellent memoir. Every person should be as lucky to find their own Fred.
  • I cried, a lot.

    By 666gator
    A touching story that touched me in so many ways. Thank you Craig and Fred.
  • A feel good book

    By 235....
    So many stories are full of sad times, this one will warm your heart. SEMPER FI, Craig &Fred Bill W USMC
