The Golden Supremacy - Ann M Pratley

The Golden Supremacy

By Ann M Pratley

  • Release Date: 2017-03-24
  • Genre: Paranormal Fantasy


What is lying in wait, eager to destroy them?

Living in an ancient village after having passed from present time to hundreds of years into the past, Trent Solace has been monitoring the health of Isabella following the battle they fought in 'The Golden Desires'. Both feel the entity they thought they'd eliminated might not be gone at all, but instead just hiding.

The unknown entity has proven it knows how to manipulate people, making them think things that they wouldn't have otherwise. It controls the minds and bodies of whoever it invades, leaving the host unaware of what they've said, thought, or done over weeks, months, or even years.

Over distance and time, Trent and Isabella met and fell in love, choosing to live together in the ancient village of peace and harmony. Now they must prepare for a second strike from the hidden enemy.

What is it? What is its end game? And who is its puppet now?
